Research Capacity of Japan
-Realization of a Science and Technology Nation-
(Provisional Translation)

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Part I Research Capacity of Japan – Realization of a Science and Technology Nation –

Research Capacity of Japan – Realization of a Science and Technology Nation –

Chapter 1 Japan’s Current State of Research Capacity and the Challenges Faced in Research

Section 1 Paper Index

  1. 1. World Ranking in Number of Papers
  2. 2. Changes in the Number of Papers and Number of Adjusted Top 10% Papers
  3. 3. Changes in the Number of Papers by Type of Organization
  4. 4. Number of Papers and Number of Adjusted Top 10% Papers by Sector and University Group
  5. 5. Factor Analysis for Number of Papers
  6. 6. Comparison of the Number of Papers of Japanese, English and German Universities

Section 2 Ratio of Time Spent on Research by Researchers

  1. 1. Ratio of Time Spent on Research
  2. 2. Number of Research Hours in Annual Total Working Hours
  3. 3. Number and Share of Research Hours by Age Group
  4. 4. Constraints in Improving Research Performance
  5. 5. Specific Constraints in terms of Research Time and Research Funds

Section 3 Research Personnel

  1. 1. Number of Researchers Taking into Account the Ratio of Time Spent on Research
  2. 2. Number of Researchers by Field at National Universities, etc.
  3. 3. Percentage of Full-time University faculty members by Age Group
  4. 4. Percentage of Female Researchers
  5. 5. Number of Students Enrolled in the Doctor’s Course
  6. 6. Number of Doctoral Degree Recipients per Population
  7. 7. Number of Research Assistants

Section 4 Research and Development Expenditures

  1. 1. Changes in the Ratio of Total R&D Expenditures to GDP
  2. 2. Changes in the Ratio of Government-Funded Research Expenditure to GDP in Major Countries
  3. 3. Changes in the Ratio of Governments Budget Appropriations for Science and Technology to GDP in Selected Countries
  4. 4. Changes in R&D Expenditures
  5. 5. Research Expenditure per Full-time Researchers in University Sector

Section 5 International Brain Circulation

  1. 1. Domestic Papers and Internationally Co-authored Papers in the Number of Papers and Number of Adjusted Top 10% Papers in Major Countries
  2. 2. Researchers Dispatched Abroad
  3. 3. Ratio of Researchers Dispatched Abroad (Mid-to-Long-Term) to Researchers Enrolled
  4. at Research Institutions
  5. 4. Changes in Doctoral Degree Recipients in the U.S.

Section 6 Patents, Technology Trade, and Cooperation between Industry and Academia

  1. 1. Number of Patent Families
  2. 2. Number of Papers Cited in Patent Families
  3. 3. Changes in Industrial Trade Volume in Major Countries
  4. 4. Joint Research Projects between Universities and the Private Enterprises
  5. 5. Number of Unicorn Enterprises

Chapter 2 Science, Technology, and Innovation Policies of Japan

Section 1 Basic Act on Science, Technology and Innovation and Science, Technology, and Innovation Basic Plan

  1. 1. Basic Act on Science, Technology and Innovation
  2. 2. Science, Technology, and Innovation Basic Plan
  3. 3. Government R&D Investment

Section 2 Review of Major Policies

  1. 1. Creation of Incorporated Administrative Agencies and National Research and Development Agency System, and Corporatization of National Universities
  2. 2. Promotion of Dual Support System
  3. 3. Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
  4. 4. Strategic Basic Research Programs
  5. 5. World Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI)
  6. 6. Future Issues

Chapter 3 Human Resource Development and Establishment of Research Environment to Support Research Capacity

Section 1  New Projects for Strengthening Research Capacity of Universities

  1. 1. Establishment of University Endowment Fund
  2. 2. Comprehensive Promotion Package for Regional Core and Distinctive Research Universities

Section 2  Enhancing of Measures Related to Human Resource Development to Support

  1. 1. Comprehensive Package to Strengthen Research Capacity and Support Young Researchers
  2. 2. Improvement of Treatment of Doctoral Students and Expansion of Career Paths
  3. 3. Policy Package regarding Education and Human Resource Development toward the Realization of Society 5.0
  4. 4. Fostering and Promotion of Active Participation of Female Researchers Playing Leading Roles in Science, Technology, and Innovation
  5. 5. Fostering, Supporting, and Securing Management Personnel such as URAs and Technical Staff

Section 3  Strengthen Measures to Establish Research Environments

  1. 1. Promotion of Research DX
  2. 2. Shared Use of Research Equipment
  3. 3. Establishment of Large Research Facilities

Section 4  Specific Measures for the Strategic Promotion of International Development of Science and Technology

  1. 1. Strategic Promotion of the International Development of Science and Technology
  2. 2. Promote International Student Exchange and International Exchange at Universities, etc

Chapter 4 Social Implementation of “Knowledge” for Innovation Creation

Section 1  Initiatives to Implement the “Knowledge” Gained from Research into Society and Thereby Create Innovations

  1. 1. Promotion of Research and Development and Social Implementation to Solve Social Issues
  2. 2. Promotion of R&D Projects Aimed at Commercialization, and Corporate Initiatives

Section 2  Initiatives to overcome novel coronavirus infections

  1. 1. Response to COVID-19
  2. 2. Medical Device Developed in Japan Continues to Save Lives of the COVID-19 Patients Worldwide
  3. 3. Development of Technology to Overcome COVID-19

Section 3  Economic Security

  1. 1. New Think-Tank Functions for Safety and Security
  2. 2. Key and Advanced Technology R&D through Cross Community Collaboration Program(K Program)
  3. 3. Act on the Promotion of Ensuring Security through Integrated Implementation of Economic Measures (Economic Security Promotion Bill)

Section 4  Status of Science, Technology and Innovation Policies Utilizing Convergence
Knowledge (So-Go-Chi) - Reasons for the Need for “Convergence Knowledge (So-Go-Chi)” and Utilization of Convergence Knowledge(So-Go-Chi) to Solve Social

  1. 1. Why Is It Now Necessary to Examine the Convergence Knowledge(So-Go-Chi)?
  2. 2. Examples of Initiatives to Solve Social Challenges through Fusion of “Knowledge”

Part II Measures Implemented to Promote Science, Technology and Innovation Creation

Chapter 1 Development of Science, Technology and Innovation

Section 1 The Science, Technology, and Innovation Basic Plan

Section 2 Council for Science, Technology and Innovation

  1. 1. Major Endeavors of the CSTI in FY2021
  2. 2. Strategic Prioritization in the Science and Technology -related Budget
  3. 3. R&D Evaluation of Projects of National Importance
  4. 4. Major Deliberations at Expert Panels

Section 3 Integrated Innovation Strategy

Section 4 Revitalizing the Science, Technology and Innovation Administrative Structure and Flow of Funds

  1. 1. Administrative Structure for Science, Technology and Innovation Policies
  2. 2. Revitalizing the flow of funds to create knowledge and value

Chapter 2 Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Toward Realization of Society 5.0

Section 1 Transformation to a sustainable and resilient society that ensures the safety and security of the people

  1. 1. Creating New Value through the Fusion of Cyberspace and Physical Space
  2. 2. Promoting Social Change and Disruptive Innovation to Overcome Global Issues
  3. 3. Building a Resilient, Safe and Secure Society
  4. 4. Formation of an innovation ecosystem that will serve as the foundation for creating new industries for value co-creation
  5. 5. Urban and regional development that will serve as infrastructure to pass on to the next generation (development of smart cities)
  6. 6. Promoting R&D and social implementation to resolve various social issues and utilizing Convergence Knowledge

Section 2 Expanding the frontier of knowledge and strengthening research capabilities as a source of value creation

  1. 1. Reconstruction of the environment that generates diverse and outstanding research
  2. 2. Construction of a new research system (promotion of open science and data-driven research, etc.)
  3. 3. Promoting university reform and enhancing functions for strategic management

Section 3 Education and Human Resources Fostering to Realize the Well-being of Individuals and the Challenges They Face

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(Strategic Planning, Research and Development Division, Science and Technology Policy Bureau)