Target (16) Development of Sustainable School Guidance System Towards Education in a New Period
Enhance fostering, employment, and training for teachers, secure competent and excellent teachers, increase their qualifications and abilities, and strengthen and enhance the teaching and administration system at school effectively, and build a cooperation and job assignment system with professional staff members, etc., and thereby develop a sustainable school teaching system where teachers can concentrate on operations related to teaching, which is their original purpose.

(Measurement Indicators)
- Increase in the percentage of current teachers (particularly those who are in managerial positions, etc.) who have an advanced certificate corresponding to the type of school where they work
- Increase in the number of cases where a special certificate is granted (particularly in cases of elementary schools and lower secondary schools)
- Shortening of total working hours at school of teachers at elementary schools and lower secondary schools per week
- Shortening of time spent on administration (average) for teachers at elementary schools and lower secondary schools per day

○ Develop teaching systems and teaching environments for school personnel

- In order to provide quality education, strengthen the enhancement of tailored guidance by teaching special subjects or in small groups, guidance to students with disabilities in elementary schools and lower and upper secondary schools and foreign students in elementary schools and lower and upper secondary schools, the activities to eliminate academic ability issues caused by poverty, etc., and the prevention of and early response to bullying and non-attendance at school; and strengthen and enhance teaching and administration systems at school effectively, including steady implementation of determining a fixed number of teachers based on amendment of the Act on Legal Standards for Class Size and Staffing Levels of Teachers and Other Personnel at Public Compulsory-Education Schools in 2017 in order to provide education based on the individual situations of diversified children.
- Engage in activities to realize Team Gakkou (school as a team), which is a system where, under the leadership of the school principal, curriculum, daily education activities, and school resources are managed integrally, and human resources with a diverse range of specialization, such as teachers, custodial teachers, diet and nutrition teachers, administrative staff members, professionals (professional staff members) for psychology, welfare, legal consultation, etc. use their expertise respectively through cooperation and work-sharing to equip children with the necessary competencies.
- In order to provide support by the team for students in elementary schools and lower and upper secondary schools who have issues through collaboration and sharing with teachers, increase qualifications and promote the assignment of professional staff members, including school counselors (SC) and school social workers (SSW), and promote training where professional staff member can fulfill their abilities and share cases between local governments. By fiscal year 2019, assign SCs to all public elementary schools and lower secondary schools in principle, assign SSWs to all lower secondary schools. After fiscal year 2019, aim to achieve appropriate assignment conditions for professional staff members at schools, such as enhancement of assignment hours, based on the assignment conditions. In addition, continue to review the way of fostering SSW, etc. by exchanging opinions with persons related to welfare, etc. Furthermore, consider the method of assigning school lawyers who are professionals to provide preventive education against bullying from the legal aspect and to give legal advice on issues surrounding students in elementary schools and lower and upper secondary schools.
- Promote the assignment of instructors for club activities who have expertise in teaching sports and culture, who support club activities in cooperation with teachers, and who can lead students in competitions, etc.
- Promote experimental studies to assess new education and the effects of educational policies, such as how well teaching systems correspond to issues like bullying, etc.
- Towards work style reform of schools, which aims to build a sustainable system of school guidance and school management for education in the new era, engage in strategies to perform consistent role assignment and optimization of operations and develop necessary environmental improvement based on the review by the Central Council for Education. In addition, review plans, etc. prepared by schools and organizational management methods, and take necessary measures for reform of awareness of one’s working hours and for reduction of overtime work. Furthermore, promote efforts for work style reform of schools made by boards of education and other parties related to education.

○ Increase the qualifications and abilities of teachers who lead future school education

- Along with the establishment of a sustainable school guidance and management system for education in the new era, steadily implement an integral reform of the fostering, employment, and training of teachers to support teachers who continue learning throughout their teaching life, in order to secure quality teachers who can respond to education in the new era and to increase their qualifications. In concrete terms, promote activities based on the “Indicators for Increasing Qualifications of School Principals and Teachers,” etc. that are established by the council of the boards of education and universities, etc. to share visions related to increasing the qualifications of teachers in each community so that all children can receive quality education from the preschool period through elementary and secondary education stage.
- Concerning the fostering stage of teachers, further promote the conversion to fostering teachers who can contribute to the enhancement of foreign language education and moral education, the correction of classes from the perspective of independent, interactive, and deep learning, and the promotion of special needs education, and promote the introduction of school internship projects and the enhancement of Professional Graduate Schools for Teacher Education, etc.
- Concerning the employment stage, promote reviewing joint preparation of teacher employment examinations and secure diversified human resources by using special certificates, etc. In addition, promote the provision of training materials through the internet by the National Institute for School Teachers and Staff Development or Independent Administrative Institutions, and the National Institute of Special Needs Education, and promote continuous training for current teachers, by promoting in-school training or team training, cooperation between universities and Professional Graduate Schools for Teacher Education, etc. At the same time, promote the connection between induction training and training for second and third-year teachers, and training reforms, such as training for teachers in managerial positions for strengthening their management abilities.
- Concerning the system for renewing educational personnel certificates, its framework and content have just been corrected by reviewing the required fields and introducing optional fields so that they can correspond to modern education issues(*1). Therefore, based on the operation status, review the correction of operations of the system as necessary, such as increasing the quality of seminars based on the needs of participants.
- Promote school personnel appraisals that appropriately evaluate the abilities and performance of every member of school personnel and appropriately reflect the appraisal results in the treatment, etc. of school personnel. In addition, reward excellent school personnel. Furthermore, conduct training to correct the teaching of teachers whose teaching is inappropriate, strictly handle inappropriate occupational issues, promote appropriate personnel management, such as measures for the mental health of school personnel, and consider reviewing treatment based on working conditions.
- Communicate the appeal of school personnel, and secure quality teachers who can respond to education in the new era by achieving working-style reform at school so that teachers can fulfill their abilities to a maximum.

Target (17) Development of Foundation for the Use of ICT
Concerning the elementary and secondary education stages, engage in (1) fostering information literacy (skill to collect, judge, express, handle, and create necessary information and to transmit and disseminate it based on the conditions of receivers [including basic ICT operation skills], scientific understanding of information, and mindset to participate in information society); (2) promoting the use of ICT in teaching each subject, etc. in order to correct classes from the perspective of independent, interactive, and deep learning; (3) reducing the operational burden of school personnel by changing school duties to ICT and increasing education quality; and (4) promoting the development of the ICT environment at schools that becomes the basis for achieving the aforementioned activities. In addition, promote the development of the ICT environment at private schools in consideration of the conditions at national and public schools.
Concerning the higher education stage, proactively promote the use of ICT from the perspective of increasing education quality. In addition, provide opportunities for learning throughout life by using ICT.

(Measurement Indicators)
- Improve the teaching abilities of teachers for using ICT
- Prepare computers for learners appropriately for one class out of three
- Prepare Wi-Fi completely in regular classrooms
- Prepare ultrahigh-speed internet completely.
- Increase the percentage of universities that provide education using ICT
(Reference Indicators)
- Information literacy of students in elementary schools and lower and upper secondary schools
- Effects of reducing operational burden of school personnel by computerization of school business

○ Foster information literacy.

- In consideration of the fact that the new National Curriculum Standard positioned information literacy (including information morals) as a qualification and ability that becomes the basis of learning, create and disseminate cases of excellent curriculum management related to fostering said qualification and skills. In addition, in order to promote fostering information morals, prepare and distribute teaching materials and materials for raising awareness, as well as engage in activities to increase the teaching abilities of teachers, such as creating and disseminating teaching cases in order to promote programming through cooperation between the government and private sectors. In addition, promote the provision of continuous and constructive opportunities for learning related to ICT after school, such as programming after school.

○ Promote the use of ICT in teaching each subject

- Prepare and distribute teaching materials to improve the teaching abilities of teachers using ICT, provide training for teachers, in leadership positions, and create and disseminate practical cases of using ICT in order to correct classes from the perspective of independent, interactive, and deep learning.
- Promote remote education from the perspective of achieving diverse learning and classes with high expertise.
- In order to provide reasonable accommodations based on the Act on Eliminating Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities, disseminate the method of securing information or communication methods depending on the conditions of disabilities and request to give consideration to the use of educational materials (including ICT and supporting devices).

○ Reduce operational burden of school personnel and increase in education quality by computerization of school business

- In order to develop an integrated school business supporting system that is effective for the reduction of the operational burden of school personnel, promote cooperative procurement and operation by each prefecture to reduce procurement costs and operation costs.
- Develop the integrated school business supporting system and effectively connect school information, such as information related to performance, attendance, school enrollment, with learning record data (record of classes and learning, such as learning outcome), and visualize learning, and thereby promote experimental study for contributing to increasing the quality of learning guidance, student guidance by teachers and for correcting class and school management, and disseminate outcomes through cooperation with relevant ministries.

○ Promote the development of the ICT environment at schools

- Based on the Development Policy of ICT Environment at School in Fiscal Year 2018 and After, accelerate the development of the ICT environment at schools based on the plan by each local government, such as preparing computers for learners, large projectors, ultrahigh-speed internet, Wi-Fi. At the same time, engage in securing information security at schools, such as dissemination and revision of the Guidelines for IT Security Policy in education, and promote the development of environments where teachers and students in elementary schools and lower and upper secondary schools can use ICT safely at school. In addition, dispatch professionals in the use of ICT to local governments and support the resolution of issues in order to promote the development of the ICT environment in each community.
- In universities, secure information security by strengthening measures based on the information security policy, and engage in promotion of the development of the ICT environment that will become the basis of quality education and research activities.
- Concerning private schools, engage in the promotion of development of the ICT environment at schools in consideration of the conditions at national and public schools.

○ Promote education by using ICT at universities

- At the higher education stage, promote education by using ICT, such as remote education by using diverse media, transmitting lectures by MOOC(*2), etc. from the perspective of increasing the quality of education and transmitting the knowledge of universities inside and outside Japan.

○ Promote learning throughout life using ICT

- Promote the provision of learning opportunities throughout life by using ICT, such as the enhancement of online classes at the Open University of Japan.

Target (18) Development of Safe, Secure, and Quality Education and Research Environments
Increase the quality of the educational environment, such as responding to changes and diversification of content and methods, etc. of learning, completing earthquake resisting construction immediately, and promoting countermeasures against deterioration based on the plan with a focus on renovation for lifespan extension. In addition, enhance educational environments in and outside schools, such as educational materials, school libraries, social education facilities, etc. Furthermore, concerning university facilities, promote the development of educational and research environments for fostering human resources who lead the next era and create innovation along with countermeasures against deterioration based on the plan.
Moreover, foster diverse human resources based on the school philosophy, develop distinctive education and research, and promote the development of educational and research environments as their basis in consideration of the importance of private schools that lead a major part of public education.

(Measurement Indicators)
- Achieve 100% institution of the lifespan extension plan in public school facilities
- Reduce deteriorating areas in public elementary schools and lower secondary schools that need scheduled countermeasures against deterioration urgently
- Reduce areas that have not been renovated at deteriorated national and public universities, etc. where education and research activities are significantly hindered, based on the plan
- Promote the strengthening of earthquake resistance at private schools (strengthening earthquake resistance at an early stage, completion of preventive measures against falling ceilings, etc.)

○ Promote the development of safe, secure, and quality school facilities, etc.

- Concerning public schools, implementing countermeasures against deterioration based on the plan with a focus on renovation, and reinforcing earthquake-resistant non-structural parts, strengthening disaster protection functions, and increasing the quality of the educational environment will be promoted. In addition, concerning national universities, etc., based on the Fourth Five-Year Program for Facilities of National Universities, steadily conduct countermeasures against deterioration based on the plan and develop a foundation that supports strengthening the functions of universities. Furthermore, concerning private schools, in consideration of the status of national and public schools, promote the completion of strengthening earthquake resistance at an early stage, complete preventive measures for falling of ceilings, etc. at indoor sporting venues, etc., and strengthening disaster protection functions, such as strengthening earthquake resistance for non-structural members.

○ Enhance educational environments, such as educational materials, etc. at schools

- Promote the development of educational materials based on the new educational material development plan, etc. at compulsory education schools. In addition, develop libraries and arrange newspaper in libraries to achieve school library standards, support the fostering of teacher librarians and the assignment of school librarians, and disseminate the school library guidelines and model curriculum for school librarians, and thereby enhance the development of school libraries by using community volunteers, etc.

○ Strengthen the foundation for education and research at private schools

- In light of the roles that private schools fulfill, enhance and promote support for public finance, such as foundational expenses, etc., and other measures, maintain and increase the educational conditions of private schools, reduce the economic burden of students, etc., and increase the soundness of management.
- In order to establish a firm financial foundation for each incorporated educational  institution, additionally develop environments where each incorporated educational institution can procure income from donations, and other multilateral funds, and disseminate and raise awareness of tax systems for donation and introduce outstanding cases in order to promote donations to private schools.
- Establishing a system to provide necessary instructions and support for management so that each incorporated educational institution can make accurate managerial decisions, which includes considering strengthening departments that may become their strong point and reviewing unprofitable departments, on the basis of analyzing its management conditions and fully identifying the needs of students, the community, and the society. At the same time, considering institutional actions related to incorporated educational institutions that have management issues. Moreover, further encouraging incorporated educational institutions to disclosure their financial information proactively.

Re-posted measures
○ Operate sustainable social education facilities by changing facilities into complex ones and by using diversified funding, etc.

Target (19) Securing the safety of students in elementary schools and lower and upper secondary schools
Aim to reduce accidents causing disabilities and severe injuries under school administration as much as possible and to reduce fatal accidents to zero as much as possible.

(Measurement Indicators)
- Reduction of the number of accidents, etc. causing disabilities and severe injuries under school administrations
- Eliminate the number of students in elementary schools and lower and upper secondary schools who die under school administrations to zero as much as possible

○ Promote school safety

- Based on the conditions where new safety issues, such as citizen protection actions in an emergency, etc., occurred in addition to new natural disasters, traffic accidents, crime, etc., it is necessary to accurately identify diverse dangers surrounding students in elementary schools and lower and upper secondary schools, and to promote activities for quality school safety at all schools depending on the development stage and school stage of the students, etc., and community characteristics through cooperation and collaboration with homes, communities, relevant institutions, etc. For this reason, promote the establishment and correction of school safety plans and guidelines for handling danger, etc. (risk management manual) at all schools, and building the organizational safety structure with a focus on school personnel who are the core of school safety. In addition, provide training for school personnel to acquire qualifications and abilities related to school safety based on the needs at each career stage, and promote systematic safety education by establishing curriculum management. Furthermore, conduct safety inspection in collaboration with external professionals and relevant institutions, refer to outstanding cases(*3), and thereby implement correction and enhancement of the prevention of accidents, investigation and verification after occurrence, and activities for the prevention of recurrence as one cycle, and promote the establishment of a PDCA cycle related to school safety.

Re-posted measures
○ Promote the development of safe, secure, and quality school facilities, etc.

Target (20) System Reform of Higher Education Towards Strengthening the Foundation of Education and Research
In consideration of the situation where a drastic decrease in the population of 18 year-olds is estimated and there are many small-size universities and the deterioration of management is a concern particularly in rural areas, promote the creation of distinctive and “robust” universities by system reform of higher education in order to strengthen the foundation of education and research.

(Reference Indicators)
- Conditions of acquisition of foreign funds at universities
- Percentage of private universities that established mid- and long-term plans
- Percentage of universities that engage in collaboration between universities

○ Establish foundations to improve the quality of education and research

- Examine the strengthening of management abilities of universities, etc., such as the promotion of university management by excellent leadership of the president, the use of external human resources, such as external board members, practitioner faculties, etc., the promotion of the development of performance indicators for university education and disclosure of the information, increase in the introduction of external funds, etc., and take necessary measures.
- Steadily implement expenses grants for national universities and private school subsidies, and allocate funds effectively, such as providing special support for universities engaging in reform. Concerning national university corporations, provide special support effectively based on the progress of strategies by Three Special Support Frameworks during the Third Mid-Term Target. Concerning private universities, etc., in order to respond to the demands and expectations of society in the future, conduct activities to fulfill diversified characteristics and to enhance quality and effective fund allocation for advancing reform with private school subsidies. In addition, while strengthening the effective allocation of competitive funds based on the characteristics, etc., of research, strengthen incentives at each university, etc. and promote outstanding activities. In addition, in order to build multilateral financial foundations, promote the introduction of donation incomes and other private funds through dissemination and raising awareness of the donation system and transmitting information on outstanding cases, etc.

○ Collaboration and integration, etc. of higher education institutions

- Estimate the number of persons going to university, etc. in each community, encourage each higher education institution to use the estimate for establishing future management strategy in consideration of diversified demand, including adult students, and consider the size of higher education as a whole and take necessary measures.
- Encourage higher education institutions in the community to establish the Community Collaboration Platform (provisional name) to discuss future models and strategies for specific exchange, etc. along with industry and local government.
- In order to implement collaboration and integration smoothly beyond national, public, and private frameworks, pass down knowledge that is created by education and research, review effective operation of the credit transfer system between universities and the principle that faculties belong to only one university, review the system of national universities where one national cooperation university can have one university, facilitate business transfer by department and faculty, and take other necessary measures. In addition, not only leaving it to the independence of each incorporated educational institution, but also pursuing necessary measures while analyzing their management conditions more minutely, taking account of the independence and autonomy of private universities so that incorporated educational institutions which are trending towards deterioration of their management condition can make appropriate managerial decisions at an early stage, including merger with other incorporations or withdrawal.
- In order to promote the revitalization of local areas, foster human resources who lead the community through collaboration between universities, etc. professional training colleges, local government, companies, etc., and promote activities for promoting core industry in the community. In particular, concerning recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake, foster leaders for recovery in East Japan by promoting activities to accumulate knowledge contributing to recovery held by universities, etc. in Japan to Fukushima prefecture.

Target (21) Overseas Development of Japanese-Style Education and Internationalization of Education in Japan
Create model cases for expanding Japanese-style education overseas; develop the educational environment and infrastructure in Japan; ramp up educational personnel exchange with other countries; and thereby promote overseas dissemination of Japanese-style education and the internationalization of education in Japan.

(Reference Indicators)
- The number of school personnel, students in elementary, middle, high school and, university in Japan who have participated in overseas-oriented education projects
- The number of school personnel, students in elementary, middle, high school and university in other countries who have participated in overseas-oriented education projects
- The number of Japanese students (in high school or university) who are studying abroad (re-posted)
- The number of foreign students in Japan (re-posted)

○ Overseas development of Japanese-style education through collaboration between governments and the private sector

- Ministries, agencies, and institutions collaborate to provide a platform to share information and deliberate ways to disseminate Japanese-style education overseas – e.g., primary or secondary education that aims to instill a balance of solid academic ability, richness in mind, and a healthy body, or the college of technology system, which features professional and practical five-year engineering education with a single curriculum throughout and beginning right after graduation from middle school; to create model cases for overseas expansion; and thereby promote overseas development of Japanese-style education.

○ Education cooperation with developing countries

- Support developing countries in fostering human resources, mainly through strategic acceptance of foreign students as well as improvement and upgrading of higher education institutions; in drafting physical education curriculums; in providing various learning opportunities such as club/team activities and field days/sports days; in education on the value of sports and anti-doping; and thereby promote education cooperation with developing countries.

Re-posted measures
○ Strengthen foreign language education, including English
○ Support for upper secondary schools, colleges of technology, universities, etc. that engage in advanced activities for internationalization
○ Support for study abroad of Japanese students
○ Develop the environment to accept foreign students
○ Promote the education of children studying abroad, students in elementary schools and lower and upper secondary schools who returned to Japan from other countries, and foreign students in elementary schools and lower and upper secondary schools, etc.

 *1 Conducted from April 2016 due to amendment of the Rules on Renewal of Educational Personnel Certificates in September 2014.

 *2 Massive Open Online Courses

 *3 For example, there is an idea of safety promotion where relevant institutions, including homes and communities, collaborate with each other to engage in scientific and factual safety measures.

(Education Policy Bureau Policy Division)