Professional graduate schools were established in FY2003 as an educational course dedicated to fostering highly-specialized professionals in response to advancement of scientific technologies and the globalization of society and economy and the accompanying increased needs for such professionals who can play a leading role domestically and internationally. Professional graduate schools basically provide education that bridges theories and actual practices and are characterized by (i) adopting small-group instruction, interactive and multi-directional classes, and practical education methods incorporating case studies and field surveys, (ii) not necessarily requiring research guidance and thesis examinations, and (iii) securing a certain percentage of practitioner teachers.
  Since the launch of the system, professional graduate schools have been established in diverse fields such as law (law schools), accounting, business and management of technology (MOT), public policy, and public health. In FY2008, teaching profession graduate schools aiming to foster teachers with practical scholastic skills were established. Professional graduate schools are thus expected to develop highly–specialized professionals with sophisticated expertise and abilities.
  In order to be highly evaluated in society and achieve further development, professional graduate schools must make constant efforts to enhance their practical education bridging theories and actual practices based on the purport of this new system, while seeking close collaboration with related industrial circles, academic societies, professional associations and local governments.