Saturday, September 5th, 2020
 Education, Science and Technology

MEXT Minister HAGIUDA Koichi participated in the G20 virtual Education Ministers Meeting chaired by Saudi Arabia on September 5th.
This meeting was held to discuss the following Agenda items.
 1. Early Childhood Education (ECE)
 2. Internationalization in Education
 3. Education Continuity in Times of Crisis
Minister HAGIUDA began his remarks by emphasizing the importance of ensuring children's learning while taking protective measures against COVID-19. He also introduced some newly established initiatives, including emergency fiscal support for students in higher education and simulations of air ventilation systems by the world’ s fastest supercomputer, Fugaku.
Minister Hagiuda also referred to free early childhood education in Japan and efforts for internationalization in education.
At the G20 Education Ministersʼ meeting, all member states confirmed their commitment to sharing good practices and experiences among the members of the G20 for the further development of their educational systems.
The “Ministerial Communique of the G20 Education Ministers Meeting” was adopted as an outcome document of this meeting.

Ministerial Communique of the G20 Education Ministers Meeting
MEXT's measures against COVID-19