Saturday, June 27th, 2020

MEXT State Minister KAMEOKA Yoshitami participated in the G20 Extraordinary Education Ministers Meeting on June 27th.

Education systems around the world have been strongly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The G20 Extraordinary Education Ministers Meeting was held to discuss the importance of ensuring education continuity and building up the resilience of education systems in this crisis.

State Minister Kameoka delivered a statement at the meeting. In his remarks, he emphasized the importance of ensuring children’s learning as much as possible, without anyone being left behind. He also expressed Japan’s commitment to international cooperation during this difficult time.

The G20 Education Ministers’ Statement on COVID-19 was agreed upon as an outcome document.

G20 Education Ministers’ Statement on COVID-19 (PDF)

G20 Extraordinary Education Ministers Meeting (Virtual Meeting)

G20 Extraordinary Education Ministers Meeting (Virtual Meeting)
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