
EBU Technical Review誌2005年4月号掲載報告書
“Will Broadband TV Shape the Future of Broadcasting?”

(原文)Contrary to the open Internet services which are available to anyone with an Internet connection, broadband services including BTV are available only to a traceable e.g. subscrIPtion-based user base, usually located in a closed geographical area within a radius of a few kilometers. To this end, it is possible to limit access to broadband services within a given territory, which would meet the territorial constraints of certain copyright licenses. While the streaming of copyright material such as sports events or music over the Internet may prove to be difficult or even impossible for legal reasons, broadband networks generally have much less difficulties with copyright matters, subject to successful negotiations between rights owners and broadband providers. If there are simultaneous transmissions of broadcast television by broadband operators, this could be regarded - from the regulatory point of view - as analogous to cable transmissions, which implies that broadband operators should be responsible for clearing necessary rights from all rights holders before they can use any TV channel on their distribution platform.


(注) BTV:本報告書では、BTV(ブロードバンドテレビ)を、「線形(“生”)のまたは非線形(”オンデマンド”)のデジタルテレビジョンサービスで、IPベースのブロードバンドネットワーク上をコントロールされた形で伝送され、セットトップボックスのような専用機器と通常のテレビセット(パソコンではない)を利用するもの」と定義している。また、「インターネットプロトコル(IP)を利用するので、BTVはしばしば“IPTV”とも呼ばれる」としている。

(原文)Depending on the relative commercial success of BTV and DTT services in a local or national market, it could be interesting to explore possible synergies between BTV and DTT in terms of complementary coverage, common sets of services and common set-top boxes. For example, DTT is generally capable of providing several high-quality television channels over a large area. The number of channels will vary from country to country and will depend on the spectrum available and the sharing constraints with other services. Whereas DTT covers the whole territory, reception indoors within buildings without external aerials may require excessive transmit power. In such cases, BTV could help and provide the same channels plus any value-added services, so that both television platforms can be considered complementary.


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