Promoting women's empowerment through sport

International measures related to women's sport

The Japan Sports Agency promotes the participation of women in international sport by collecting information on international trends and supporting women's participation in international conferences. The JSA also collaborates with sport organizations to share successful case studies through programs including the Sports for Tomorrow project with other countries.

1. Major International Proposals

(1) International Working Group on Women and Sport (IWG)
○ Brighton Plus Helsinki 2014 Declaration on Women and Sport

(2) International Olympic Committee (IOC)
○ The Los Angeles Declaration
○ The Olympic Agenda 2020 (20+20 Proposal)

○ International Charter on Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport
○ MINEPS V-Declaration of Berlin
○ MINEPS VI / Kazan Action Plan

(4) The United nations
○ Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action

2. Main International Conferences

(1) IWG World Conference on Women and Sport

(2) IOC World Conference on Women and Sport

-- Registration: November 2018 --