The Japan Sports Agency launched the “FUN+WALK PROJECT”, a public-private partnership which strives to improve people’s health by expanding the population of business people’s participation in sport.
The project aims to shift people’s perception of walking, making it fun, and making activities that are fun, healthier.

42.5 percent of adults in Japan are involved in sport-related activities more than once a week, while around 30 percent of adults between 20 to 40-years-old are involved in sport.
The Second Sport Basic Plan strives to increase the ratio of adults involved in sport-related activities more than once a week up to 65 percent, making it vital to increase business people’s involvement in sport. In the same survey, about 80 percent of people between 30 to 40-years-old said they lack physical exercise. It is, therefore, necessary to change the current environment of business people in the prime of their lives being too busy to play sport despite feeling a lack of exercise.

Moreover, with national health care costs now exceeding 40 trillion yen, health promotion through sport is anticipated to help control national health care costs and improve people’s healthy life expectancy.

The Japan Sports Agency launched the FUN+WALK PROJECT since the act of walking can be easily incorporated into people’s daily lives. Theproject strives for people to naturally make walking into a habit by combining “walking”, and ”having fun”.
The JSA will advance the FUN+WALK PROJECT to increase the nation’s participation in sport, particularly business people, towards the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympic Games. The population of those participating in sport is not limited to hard-core athletes, but also includes people who incorporate light physical activity into their daily lives.

Contact information for questions related to the project

-- Registration: October 2015 --