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Home > Policy > White Paper, Notice, Announcement > White Paper > JAPANESE GOVERMENT POLICICIES IN EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND CULTURE 1994 > PART II Chapter 11 Section 4 1

PART II Recent Trends and Developments in Government Policies in Education, Science and Culture
Chapter 11. The Shift to an Information-Oriented Society: Implications for Education, Science, Culture, and Sports
Section 4. Promoting the Supply of Lifelong Learning Information and Scientific Research Information and Developing Information Networks
1. Promoting the Supply of Lifelong Learning Information

To encourage lifelong learning, it is important to establish systems that can respond to the diversification and increasing sophistication of educational demand by supplying appropriate lifelong learning information and advice. Local governments are developing systems to collect, analyze, and provide information about facilities, human resources, and learning opportunities and to provide lifelong learning advice. In addition, companies and other organizations that supply lifelong learning information have established a liaison conference and are conducting various types of research and surveys on networks.

The Ministry of Education, Science and Culture provides subsidies for projects aimed at developing systems for the provision of information for lifelong learning activities (see part 2, chapter 2, section 3) and library information networking projects linking prefectural and municipal libraries. In fiscal 1994 the Agency for Cultural Affairs planned to conduct research and surveys on information system on artworks in national museums of art. The Agency is currently studying the establishment of a comprehensive information system on culture consisting of information systems on cultural properties, regional culture, and artworks.

A key factor that will influence future directions in the provision of lifelong learning information is the need for simple methods that provide citizens throughout Japan with immediate and easy access to lifelong learning information. After conducting research and surveys on approaches to the interprefectural utilization of prefectural systems, the establishment of a database to provide nationwide access to lifelong learning information, and the functions of a national center for lifelong learning information, in August 1991 the Ministry compiled a report titled "Approaches to the Provision of Lifelong Learning Information Across Prefectural Boundaries."

In July 1992 the Lifelong Learning Council produced a report emphasizing the need for a center to promote lifelong learning throughout Japan. The report identified the collection and distribution of information about lifelong learning throughout Japan as the primary role of this center. In March 1993 the council produced another report, titled "Functions of a National Center for Lifelong Learning Information," based on the results of its research and surveys up to that time.

The Ministry is referring to these reports in its efforts to develop a structure to provide nationwide access to lifelong learning information through the establishment of a lifelong learning information database that will be available throughout Japan and through research and surveys on systems to provide integrated access to databases in various lifelong learning facilities under the Ministry's jurisdiction as part of a program called Research and Surveys Concerning the Functions of a National Center for Lifelong Learning.

(C)COPYRIGHT Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

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