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Home > Policy > White Paper, Notice, Announcement > White Paper > EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS IN JAPAN 1965 > CHAPTER2 7 (1)

7 Level of Scholastic Achievement
(1) National Average Scores and Problems of Individual Subjects

The national average scores of each subject attain around 50 points. In recent years, the Ministry of Education has yearly conducted national surveys of scholastic achievement. It is noticed that the average scholastic achievement of both elementary and lower secondary school pupils has increased year by year, though slightly, in comparison with the results using the same kinds of questions tested in the preceding year.

Table 32. National Average Scores of Elementary and Lower Secondary Schools, by Subject

The test results of the past years present prob1em that confront individual subjects. Some noteworthy points are as follows.

Japanese Language Elementary school pupils are inferior in ability, to construct sentences, to comprehend the central point of sentences, and to comprehend sentences presented orally. It is remarked that pupils of lower secondary level are extending their vocabulary, but they are inferior in gramatical ability and ability to understand the point of an essay, or to construct proper sentences.

Mathematics Elementary school pupils are rich in fundamental knowledge of arthmetic and figure drawing, though inferior in practical application of their knowledge. Pupils of lower secondary schools, as remarked in elementary schools, are slightly inferior in application and reasoning ability.

Social Studies Elementary school pupils' ability to understand graphs and maps is being improved, but they are poor in comprehension or understanding. Lower secondary school pupils show better understanding for modern history, but worse for ancient history. They have only fragmentary knowledge and are lacking in comprehensive understanding and applying abilities.

Science Pupils in elementary school have improved the results of the test regarding biological observation having some connection with their everyday lives, but they are inferior in understanding of the relation of theory to observation or experiment. Lower secondary school pupils show they have fundamental knowledge, but lack in understanding abstract concepts. The relation of experiment or observation to principle or theory seems not to be well understood.

English The test results indicate that lower secondary pupils have unsatisfactory ability to grasp the general idea of an essay and are inferior in constructing sentences.

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