別添2 博士論文研究基礎力審査に相当する審査に係る確認様式及びその英語訳

(別添2 博士論文研究基礎力審査に相当する審査に係る確認様式例)

年  月  日



 □□大学としては、本学の学生である◇◇ ◇◇氏は、「(審査名称)」に合格し、修士の学位を有する者と同等以上の学力を有する者であることを確認し、報告いたします。





(Annex 2:Sample Reply Pertaining to the Qualifying Examination)



To Whom This May Concern:

I hereby confirm, on behalf of [name of your university], that our student Mr./Ms. [name of your student] has passed our examination [name of your examination] and has an equivalent or greater academic ability, required to be granted a master’s degree.

For your information, I enclose the following documentation on the examination.

・The qualifying standards of the examination
・Documentation that shows the correlation between success in the examination and the requirements for a master’s degree
・Documentation that shows the correlation between the handling of persons who have passed the examination and the handling of persons who have transferred to your university with a master’s degree from another university in the program for a doctoral degree

President of [name of your university]





-- 登録:平成24年04月 --