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Home > Policy > White Paper, Notice, Announcement > White Paper > JAPANESE GOVERMENT POLICICIES IN EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND CULTURE 1994 > PART I Chapter 2 Section 4 1

PART I New Directions in School Education
Chapter 2. The Aims of the Five-Day School Week
Section 4. Achievement of a Smooth Transition to the Five-Day School Week and the Outlook for the Future
1. Reasons for Approval or Disapproval of the Five-Day School Week

As part of efforts to ensure smooth implementation of the five-day school week, the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture has analyzed reasons for parents' approval or disapproval of the system, using the results of the "Survey on Attitudes to School Education and the Five-Day School Week."

(1) Reasons for Approval of the Five-Day School Week

Parents participating in the survey who thought that the frequency of Saturday school holidays should be increased were asked to state their reasons. The most common reason cited was "more relaxed life and more free time" (79.6%), followed by "more time for family interaction" (67.0%), "more time to socialize (play) with friends" (40.5%), and "more time for activities involving contact with nature" (40.0%) ( Figure I.2.10 ). All these reasons accord with aims of the shift to the five-day school week, and it is important that all schools continue to work to ensure the smooth implementation of the new system in ways that fully realize these goals.

(2) Reasons for Disapproval of the Five-Day School Week

Parents who stated that they opposed any increase in the number of Saturday school holidays were also asked to indicate their reasons. The most common reasons were "some families cannot take care of children on Saturdays" (58.4%), "disruption of children' life rhythm" (51.4%), "slower progress in school studies" (40.3%), and "children will simply spend more time playing" (35.2%) ( Figure I.2.11 ).

Figure I.2.10. Reasons for Approval of an increase in the Frequency of Saturday School Holidays (Parents)

Figure I.2.11. Reasons for Disapproval of an increase in the Frequency of Saturday School Holidays (Parents)

(3) Establishment of Conditions for Introduction of the Five-Day School Week

Parents were asked to state the measures they would wish to see implemented if there were an increase in the number of Saturday school holidays. The most common response was "improved access to school facilities, such as schoolyards, gymnasiums, and school libraries, so that they can be used for children' play and other activities even on Saturdays when schools are closed" (54.2%), "special consideration for children whose parents are likely to be absent from home" (53.8%), and "introduction of the five-day school week in step with the spread of the five-day workweek" (37.6%) ( Figure I.2.12 ). Together with the reasons cited for disapproval of the five-day school week, these wishes must be regarded as information that can make an important contribution to smooth implementation of the new system.

Figure I.2.12. Parents' Wishes in Connection with the Five-Day School Week

(C)COPYRIGHT Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

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