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Home > Policy > White Paper, Notice, Announcement > White Paper > EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS IN JAPAN 1975 > CHAPTER5 3 (4) b

3 Sources of Fducational Expenditures
(4) Financial Assistance for School Attendance and Providing of Scholarships
b. Programs for Providing Scholarships and Aid to Studetts

Scholarships in Japan are carried out mainly by the Japan Scholarship Foundation, a special juridical person, and additionally by local governments, school juridical persons, non-profit foundations, interested private citizens, etc.

With the business scale of Japan Scholarship Foundation, it offered a total \273.9 billion in scholarships to a net total of 2,440,000 students from 1944, when it was established, through fiscal 1974. Under its budget for fiscal 1975, a total of \39 billion for business expenses was appropriated for granting scholarships to about 320,000 students.

Changes in the number of students provided with scholarships by the Japan Scholarship Foundation since fiscal 1964, and the amount of scholarships offered are shown in Table 5-8.

Tab1e 5-8. Change in Number or stuaents Provided with Scholarships by Japan Scholarship Foundation and Total Amount of Scholarship Offered

As regards its programs for upper secondary school students, the total amount of schclarships is growing, but the number of students provided with scholaships is declining. As regards its programs for stuaents in higher educational institutions, both the total amount of sclnolarships offered and the number of students provided with scholarships are growing, but growth of the former is relatively larger. In addition, the tremendous increase in the number of students led to a relative decline in the proporiion of students granted scholarships.

To mention scholarship programs in which the national government plays its part, a program began in fiscal 1974 under which the national government would offer, through the Japan Private School Promotion Foundation, a special juridical person, such assistance as loaning of longterm scholarship funds, at a low interest rate, to the school juridical persons running universities which are undertaking scholarship programs for their students. In fiscal 1974, a scholarship program of this type was started by 15 school juridical persons.

The number of local governments, etc. undertaking scholarship programs rose from 2,220 in fiscal 1967 to 2,514 in fiscal 1971; transition in the average scale of their programs is shown below. It indicates that both the number of students receiving scholarships and the total amount of scholarships offered are growing, but the amount of scholarship per student remains at about the same level.

(C)COPYRIGHT Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

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