The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan(MEXT) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has jointly hosted the OECD/Japan Seminar (hereinafter referred to as the "Japan Seminar") since 1993, with the aim of promoting international cooperation in the field of education and contributing to the improvement of educational practice in Japan through introduction of OECD's education projects and exchanges of views with other member countries.
The 23rd Japan Seminar will focus on the Teaching Compass, which will indicate future vision of teachers and teaching competencies, teacher agency and teacher well-being which is currently being developed under the OECD “Future of Education and Skills 2030" (hereinafter referred to as the "E2030").
The 23rd Japan Seminar will be held in conjunction with 6th Global Forum on the Future of Education2030, to be held in Japan, for international co-creation of the Teaching Compass with various education stakeholders’ discussion. This Seminar is organised back-to-back with the E2030 Global Forum meeting and, thus, participants will have the opportunity to access the latest global E2030’s discussions on Teaching Compass.
定員:オンライン1,000名 / 現地350名(先着順)
参加費: 無料
Date: October 13th (Sun), 2024 15:00-18:00 JST
Event Format: Hybrid meetings (On-site and Zoom webinar)
Venue:Tohoku University (Kawauchi campus Multimedia Hall206)
Capacity: 1,000 participants online / 350 participants in-person (first-come, first-served)
(※Once the limit is reached, further participation may be restricted.)
Participation fee: free
Organisers: Co-organised by MEXT, Tohoku University, OECD
Languages: English-Japanese simultaneous interpretation
Individuals involved in education, including local government organizations and schools, are welcome to participate.
※Anyone interested is encouraged to join.
Registration is now closed.
植木 俊哉 東北大学理事・副学長
アンドレアス・シュライヒャー OECD教育・スキル局長(録画)
秋田 喜代美 学習院大学教授、中央教育審議会教員養成部会部会長
ジョアン・コスタ Education2030アドバイザリー・グループ議長、元ポルトガル教育大臣
戸ヶ﨑 勤 埼玉県戸田市教育長、日本OECD共同研究総合座長
ジョアン・コスタ Education2030アドバイザリー・グループ議長、元ポルトガル教育大臣
<パネリスト>・秋田 喜代美 学習院大学教授、中央教育審議会教員養成部会部会長
・戸ヶ﨑 勤 埼玉県戸田市教育長、日本OECD共同研究総合座長
・マーギット・ティマコフ タリン男女共学高校副校長(エストニア)
・エドウィン・リム Hwa Chong Institution(HCI)主任教師(シンガポール)
ティア・ルッコラ OECDイノベーション・進捗計測課長
北山 浩士 文部科学省大臣官房国際課長
15:00 Opening Remarks: Mr. Toshiya Ueki
(Executive Vice President, Tohoku University)
15:05 Keynote speech 1: Mr. Andreas Schleicher (Pre-recorded Video)
(Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills, OECD)
15:35 Keynote speech 2: Dr. Kiyomi Akita
(Professor, Gakushuin University, Chairperson of Working Group for Teacher Training, Central Council for Education)
15:55 Keynote speech 3: Dr. João Costa
(Chairperson of Advisory Group for Education2030, previous Minister of Education of Portugal)
16:10 Keynote speech 4: Mr. Tsutomu Togasaki
(superintendent of Education, Toda City, the chair of the Thematic Working Group of Japan-OECD Joint Research)
16:30 BREAK
16:45 Panel Discussion
Moderator: Dr. João Costa
(Chairperson of Advisory Group for Education2030, previous Minister of Education of Portugal)
Panellists: Dr. Kiyomi Akita
(Professor, Gakushuin University, Chairperson of Working Group for Teacher Training, Central Council for Education)
Mr. Tsutomu Togasaki
(superintendent of Education, Toda City, the chair of the Thematic Working Group of Japan-OECD Joint Research)
Ms. Margit Timakov
(Vice-Principal, Tallin Co-Educational School, Estonia)
Dr. Edwin Lim
(Lead Teacher, Hwa Chong Institution, Singapore)
17:55 Closing Remarks from OECD
Ms. Tia Loukkola
(Head of Innovation and Measuring Progress, OECD)
Mr. Koji Kitayama
(Director, International Affairs Division,Minister’s Secretariat, MEXT)
アンドレアス・シュライヒャー(Mr.) OECD 教育・スキル局長
Mr. Andreas Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
生徒の学習到達度調査(PISA)をはじめとする国際的な諸制度を主導・監督し、国や文化を超えて政策立案者、研究者、教育者が教育政策や実務を革新・変革するためのグローバルなプラットフォームを構築している。 20年以上にわたり、世界中の閣僚や教育指導者とともに、教育の質と公平性の向上に取り組んできた。アーン・ダンカン元米国教育長官は、シュライヒャー氏について「私が会った誰よりもグローバルな問題と課題を理解しており、真実を伝える人である。」と述べている(アトランティック誌7月11日付)。マイケル・ゴーヴ前元英国国務大臣は、シュライヒャーがドイツ人かつフランスに在住しているにも関わらず、「英国教育界で最も重要な人物」と呼んだ。 OECDに入る前は、国際教育到達度評価学会(IEA)の分析担当ディレクターを務めていた。ドイツで物理学を学び、オーストラリアで数学と統計学の学位を取得。ドイツ連邦共和国初代大統領の名のもとで「模範的な民主主義への取組」に対して贈られる「テオドール・ホイス」賞をはじめ、数々の栄誉と賞を受賞。 ハイデルベルク大学名誉教授。
Andreas Schleicher is Director for Education and Skills at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). He initiated and oversees the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and other international instruments that have created a global platform for policy-makers, researchers and educators across nations and cultures to innovate and transform educational policies and practices.
He has worked for over 20 years with ministers and education leaders around the world to improve quality and equity in education. Former U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said that Schleicher “understands the global issues and challenges as well as or better than anyone I’ve met, and he tells me the truth” (The Atlantic, July 11). Former UK Secretary of State Michael Gove called Schleicher “the most important man in English education” – even though he is German and lives in France.
Before joining the OECD, he was Director for Analysis at the International Association for Educational Achievement (IEA). He studied Physics in Germany and received a degree in Mathematics and Statistics in Australia. He is the recipient of numerous honours and awards, including the “Theodor Heuss” prize, awarded in the name of the first president of the Federal Republic of Germany for “exemplary democratic engagement”. He holds an honorary Professorship at the University of Heidelberg.
秋田 喜代美(Dr.) 学習院大学教授、中央教育審議会教員養成部会部会長
Dr. Kiyomi Akita, Professor of Gakushuin University, Chairperson of Working Group for Teacher Training, Central Counsil for Education
Professor of the Faculty of Letters, Gakushuin University, Professor Emeritus at The University of Tokyo. Chair of the Subcommittee on Teacher Training of the Central Council for Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and Chair of the Council on Children and Families, Children and Families Agency. Specializes in school education and classroom lessons.
ジョアン・コスタ(Dr.) Education2030アドバイザリー・グループ議長、元ポルトガル教育大臣
Dr. João Costa, Chair of OECD Future of Education and Skills and Former Minister of Education, Portugal
Full Professor of Linguistics at Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Served as Minister of Education (2022-2024), Deputy Minister of Education (2019-2022) and Secretary of State of Education (2015-2019). Acted as Vice-Dean and Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, and Chair of the Scientific Council for Humanities and Social Sciences of the National Research Council (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia). Chair of TALIS (Teaching and Learning International Survey) at OECD (2017-2022), currently Chair of the OECD Education Policy Committee (since 2024). Co-chair and member of the Advisory Board of the Global Forum Future of Education and Skills (2016-2022). Member of the SDG4 High Level Steering Committee at UNESCO (2022-2024). His research and teaching activities focus on formal linguistics, language development and impairment and educational linguistics.
戸ヶ﨑 勤(Mr.) 埼玉県戸田市教育長、日本OECD共同研究総合座長
Mr. Tsutomu Togasaki, Superintendent of Education, Toda City, Saitama Prefecture, the chair of the Thematic Working Group of Japan-OECD Joint Research
Mr. Tsutomu Togasaki has been in his position since 2015. He is currently a member of the 12th Central Council for Education. He has served as a member covering a wide range of educational categories under the Central Council for Education, including the Primary and Secondary Education Subcommittee, the Curriculum Subcommittee, the Teacher Training Subcommittee, and more recently the Special Subcommittee for Securing High-Quality Teachers, as well as the Expert Study Committee on the Future Curriculum, Curriculum Guidelines, and Learning Assessments of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. Mr. Togasaki has also served as a member of the Ministry’s Expert Council on the Utilization of Educational Data, the Vice-Chair of the Research and Study Cooperation Committee for the Enhancement of Local Education Administration to Promote “Reiwa-style Japanese School Education”, and outside of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, he served as a member of the Digital Promotion Committee of the Digital Agency. Since assuming his current position as Superintendent of Education, he has been promoting education reform based on four concepts: 1) developing abilities that cannot be replaced by AI and the ability to utilize AI, 2) utilizing knowledge resources in collaboration with industry, government, and academia, 3) evidence-based education that is free from the 3Ks (keiken (experience), kan (intuition), and kiai (enthusiasm)), and 4) making education a science.
文部科学省 大臣官房国際課
International Affairs Division, Minister’s Secretariat