- Cultivating richness in mind

 Under the March 2008 revision of the Courses of Study for elementary and lower secondary schools, in order to foster rich humanity and socialization in young students, MEXT promotes the enhancement of moral education through steps such as using inspiring course materials and experiential activities. It also promotes reading through “morning reading time” and reading aloud.

- Responding to problem behavior and non-attendance at school

 In order to solve problem behavior and non-attendance at school in young students, MEXT is making comprehensive efforts with all kinds of measures including (1) enhancing emotional education and achieving easy-to-understand lessons and enjoyable schools, (2) improving the quality of teachers, and (3) enhancing the education counseling system.

- Promoting career education

 Career education is important in educating children in their views of career and work and in cultivating the ability to proactively select and decide career paths. For that purpose, MEXT is promoting systematic career education applicable to each school stage through experience in the workplace and so on.

(Student Affairs Division, Elementary and Secondary Education Bureau)