Removal of all highly enriched uranium fuel from Japan Atomic Energy Agency's Japan Material Testing Reactor Criticality Assembly and return to the U.S. completed. As a result, Prime Minister Kishida and the United States President Biden welcomed the completion of the removal of highly enriched uranium fuel in the fact sheet of the Japan-U.S. Summit Meeting on April 10th, 2024, and they confirmed that Japan and the United States will continue to work together to promote cooperation.

JAEA’s Japan Material Testing Reactor Criticality Assembly (JMTRC) is a critical assembly for the purpose of obtaining reactor core properties by experiences for the Japan Materials Testing Reactor operation.
It has been decided that JMTRC’s highly enriched uranium fuel was removed from the JMTRC and returned to the United States, so as to contribute to efforts of minimizing nuclear material stockpiles worldwide.
Prime Minister Kishida and the United States President Biden welcomed the completion of the return of nuclear material last December under Japan-U.S. bilateral cooperation in the fact sheet of the Japan-U.S. Summit Meeting on April 10th, 2024, while confirming further advance cooperation in strengthening global nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear security.


International Nuclear and Fusion Energy Affairs Division, Research and Development Bureau