Wednesday, October 9th, 2019
Science and Technology




This year’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry has been awarded to YOSHINO Akira, Honorary Fellow at Asahi Kasei Corporation, for his accomplishments regarding the development of lithium-ion batteries.
Lithium-ion batteries which are lightweight and rechargeable, have become indispensable today, used in everything from smartphones to laptops. They cab store significant amounts of energy from solar and wind power, making possible a fossil fuel-free society.


MEXT Minister gives YOSHINO Akira congratulatory call on winning the Nobel Prize in Chemistry(※YouTube MEXTch)別ウィンドウで開きます

Following the announcement, MEXT Minister HAGIUDA Koichi called Dr. Yoshino to congratulate him for winning a Nobel Prize, saying he imagines Dr. Yoshino was able to reach this day after decades of difficulties faced in his research. Minister Hagiuda added it is a great honor that Japan’s high level of research has been demonstrated both at home and abroad.

After the call, the minister said Dr. Yoshino’s work on lithium ion batteries that have infiltrated our everyday lives, has greatly advanced our way of life. The minister said he heard the news right when discussing how to enhance ICT environments in schools. He said such research from Japan has led to the miniaturization of tablet computers and the development of notebook PC’s and hopes they will be used by children in Japan.

Link to Comment by MEXT Minister on Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 2019