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Home > Policy > White Paper, Notice, Announcement > White Paper > Annual Report on the Promotion of Science and Technology 1998 > Part1 Chapter3 Section3 2

Part 1: In An Era of Change
Chapter 3: What Types of Systems Are Important - Increasing Efforts for Change in the Research Community -
Section 3: "Best Use" - Putting Research Findings to Work for Society -
2. Increasing Efforts to Return Research Results to Society

Cooperation and Interaction Between Industry, Academia, and Government

* Many researchers recognize the importance of joint research efforts of industry, academia, and government, but only about forty percent of the researchers surveyed said opportunities for joint research have increased during the past three years. Steps must be taken to promote increased interest and efforts by researchers to interact with other institutions.

Return to Society of National Research Institution and University Research Results

* Development and advancement of environments conducive to the smooth transfer of research results of national research institutions and universities continue.

* Approximately thirty percent of researchers from national research institutions surveyed said they would be interested in submitting a patent application in order to receive the individual title for the patent. A little less than forty percent of the researchers from national public universities surveyed indicated such an interest ( Figure 23 ).

Figure 23 Patent applications in which the individual title is the objective

* American universities with high numbers of patent applications also have many Nobel Prize laureates. They also have technical transfer offices. Rather than focusing only on basic research, they are actively engaged in transferring results to society ( Table 24 ).

Table 24 Number of Nobel Prize Laureates at the 20 American Universities with the most patent applications

* Efforts to utilize research results in society must be increased by promoting cooperation and interaction between industry, academia, and government through endeavors such as joint research projects, developing increased awareness of the importance of patents among researchers, establishing support systems for increased patent applications and patent licenses by researchers and research institutions, establishing systems to supply private corporations with research result information, and modifying related laws and regulations.

(C)COPYRIGHT Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

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