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Home > Policy > White Paper, Notice, Announcement > White Paper > JAPANESE GOVERNMENT POLICIES IN EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND CULTURE 1993 > CHAPTER 3 �4 2 (1)

Chapter 3. For the Protection and Utilization of Cultural Properties
�4 The Role of Science and Technology in Protecting Cultural Properties
2 Transmission of Techniques for the Conservation of Cultural Properties
(1) Selection and recognition

In 1975 revisions to the Law for the Protection of Cultural Properties, it was stipulated that traditional craftsmanship and techniques considered indispensable to the preservation of cultural properties and requiring protective measures are to be selected as "Traditional Conservation Techniques". Those individuals who have mastered and are thoroughly versed in these techniques shall be recognized as Holders of the techniques. Furthermore, a body whose purpose is to preserve these techniques and which actually conducts projects conducive to their preservation is to be recognized as a Holding Body. The present state of designation and recognition in this area is shown in Table 1-3 10.

Table l-3-10 Selection and Recognition of Traditional Conservation Techniques

those traditional techniques which are in danger of being lost due to a declining number of successors, so as to contribute to the enhancement of these techniques and to the training of those who will hand them down to the next generation.

The technicians who possess traditional techniques for the preservation of cultural properties are required to have a high degree of expertise and knowledge, supported by many years of experience. However, recent social changes and the development of new materials have brought about a gradual decrease in the number of technicians who possess these traditional techniques, making it difficult to secure successors.

The national government therefore subsidizes holders and holding bodies of selected traditional conservation techniques to provide assistance for projects to train successors, keep records and take part in other means of preservation.

(C)COPYRIGHT Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

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