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Home > Policy > White Paper, Notice, Announcement > White Paper > JAPANESE GOVERNMENT POLICIES IN EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND CULTURE 1993 > CHAPTER 1 �1 4 (11)

CHAPTER 1. Towards the Enrichment of Culture
� 1 Increased Expectations for the Promotion of Culture, and Cultural Policy
4. Future Directions of Cultural Policy
(11) Promotion of international cultural exchange and cooperation

1) Encouragement of artistic activities from an international perspective

The Japanese have made and continue to make manifold achievements in various fields of art. By encouraging an international perspective with regard to artistic activities and mutual stimulation between Japanese and foreign artists, it is hoped that new creative activities based on Japanese cultural traditions will develop as a result. It is necessary then, to make further efforts to cultivate conditions under which Japanese artists can be afforded with opportunities to actively perform, compete and be judged in the international arena, and to engage in artistic activities in an international setting. Special efforts should be devoted to transmitting Japanese culture abroad through such a means as participation in international festivals. Also required is the creation of the conditions and infrastructure necessary to the development of international artistic activities within Japan itself. This is being done through the establishment or the New National Theatre (tentative name), the extension of invitations to artists from abroad and so on.

2) Promotion of international exchange and cooperation in the protection of cultural properties

International exchange and cooperation in research, development and application of scientific technology in the areas of preserving and restoring human heritage as expressed in cultural properties help to raise the level of this type of technology in Japan. This will also play a key role in Japan's further contributions to international society in the realm of culture.

Requests are also being made from overseas for Japan's assistance in the preservation and restoration of many Japanese artworks in foreign collections. The cause of international exchange and cooperation could be furthered then, by sending Japanese specialists overseas for the preservation and restoration of such cultural properties. by inviting foreign experts to Japan and by conducting joint research projects with other countries.

(C)COPYRIGHT Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

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