An investigation commission has been set up with regard to the educational institutions responsible for the education of the children of foreign nationals residing in Japan (schools for foreign children) for the purpose of conducting investigations pertaining to the current status and issues of approval for the establishment of miscellaneous schools and approval for the incorporation of quasi educational institutions in order to ensure the stability of school management and the appropriate studies of the children of foreign nationals residing in Japan.
(1) Investigation and opinion exchange on the actual status and issues of incorporating the miscellaneous schools and quasi-educational institutions of schools for foreign children:
- Actual status of miscellaneous schools and quasi-educational institutions which have been incorporated.
- Issues pertaining to miscellaneous schools and quasi-educational institutions which have not been incorporated.
- Actual status of approval by the prefectural government for the establishment of miscellaneous schools.
(2) Others
(1) Obtain necessary cooperation from the member schools of the Japan Council of International Schools with regard to the investigation to be conducted by the Commission.
(2) The members of the Commission shall be as in the annex.
(3) Conduct investigations to visit and hear opinions with regard to “2. Investigation matters” (1) with the cooperation of the Commission members.
(4) Where necessary, participation may be requested of experts other than those in the annex with regard to specialized matters.
From September 16, 2001 to the end of March 31, 2012
The affairs of the Commission shall be handled by the International Affairs Division of the Minister’s Secretariat.
Yoshiaki Obara
President, Tamagawa Academy
Tsutomu Kimura
Chair, Tokyo Metropolitan Government Board of Education
Yoshimi Kojima
Associate Professor, Aichi Shukutoku University
Masahiro Konno
Professor, Japanese Page National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
Chiaki Terashima
Director, Multicultural Society Section, International Affairs Division, Department of Regional Development and International Affairs, Aichi Prefecture
Peter MacKenzie
President, Japan International School Council
(In the order of the Japanese alphabet with honorific titles omitted)