(2)Reforms in Girls' High Schools

A revision of the Girls' High School Order was promulgated on July 6, 1920, along essentially the same lines as the middle school reforms. According to the accompanying revision of Regulations for the Enforcement of the Girls' High School Order, which was issued and put in force in that same month, the number of hours set aside each week for mathematics and science was increased while there was a slight decrease in the hours for morals. In the practical course (jikka) of the girls' high schools the science & home economics subject was expanded and sewing shortened. In keeping with the prevailing philosophy of girls' education, civic and womanly virtues were to be emphasized throughout the curriculum.

A committee charged with surveying girls' middle level education was created within the Ministry of Education in 1930. This committee recommended the inclusion of subjects of "morals & civics" and "home economics & sewing" in the curriculum of girls' high schools, the integration of the existing girls' high school general and practical courses into a single curriculum, and other curricular changes to meet the various needs of students resulting from a rapid expansion in the number of schools. As the consequence of these recommendations, only the inclusion of the civics subject in the girls' high school curriculum was realized by the February, 1932 revision of Regulations for the Enforcement of the Girls' High School Order, which came into force in April of that year.

The number of girls' high schools increased by 1,794% between 1900 and 1936 and the number of students increased by 3,509%. By the latter date there were 985 schools with a total of 432,553 students. Much of this increase also occurred during the late Taisho era in the same way as in the middle schools but in contrast with the middle schools, growth increased more steadily throughout both the Taisho and early Showa eras.


(C)COPYRIGHT Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

((C)COPYRIGHT Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)

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