c. The Promulgation of the 1899 Middle School Order

On February 7, 1899, the 1899 Middle School Order was promulgated which came into force on April 1 of that year. According to this Order, the name "ordinary middle school" was changed to "middle school". In Article 1 of this 1899 Middle School Order, it was stated that the goal of middle schools was "the realization of the necessary higher level general education for boys," thus de-emphasizing the vocational aspect of the characteristics of the earlier 1886 Middle School Order.

Many educators felt that the practice of carrying out both vocational education and preparatory education in the same school had not worked out very well. Also behind this change was the fact that separate middle level vocational education facilities had gradually advanced to the point where a separate and independent order concerning vocational education could be issued. Hence, the policy shifted toward making a clear distinction between vocational and middle school education.

The course for the middle school was set at five years, the same as the previous ordinary middle school. It was also made possible to have a supplementary course of up to one year. Entrance requirements were completion of the second year of higher elementary school and being twelve years of age or above. Afterward this five-year period came to be recognized as the desired number of years for middle level education and other types of schools were gradually brought into line with the middle school. With respect to the establishment of mrddle schools, it became the duty of each prefecture to establish "at least one middle school." Moreover, where recognized as necessary by the Minister of Education, it was provided that "the Minister of Education may order prefectures to establish additional middle schools." In the case of counties, cities, towns and villages, and also school associations of towns and villages, it was provided that middle schools "might be established in cases" where the establishment of such schools was necessary according to the circumstances of the area and they did not hinder the realization of elementary education facilities. These statements reflected an increasingly favorable attitude with respect to the establishment of middle schools. Thus, the efforts of counties, cities, towns and villages, and associations of towns and villages to establish middle schools were quickly approved. The possibility of branch middle schools was also recognized, but in this case it was necessary to have the permission of the Minister of Education, and such schools were limited to one branch per school. According to these various steps, the chances for the formation of middle schools gradually increased, and due to the increased interest in advancing to higher level education, there was a rapid advancement in middle schools.

On the basis of the 1899 Middle School Order, the issuance of various related regulations proceeded. But soon thereafter, these various regulations excepting those for teacher qualifications were incorporated into the comprehensive 1901 Regulations for the Enforcement of the 1899 Middle School Order, which were issued in March, 1901, and put in force in April of that year.


(C)COPYRIGHT Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

((C)COPYRIGHT Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)

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