Guidelines for Exchange and Cooperation among Universities in China, Japan and Korea with Quality Assurance(日中韓の質の保証を伴った大学間交流に関するガイドライン)


Guidelines for Exchange and Cooperation among Universities in China, Japan and Korea with Quality Assurance

    In line with meeting of the leaders of People's Republic of China, Japan and Republic of Korea and also Trilateral Cooperation Vision 2020, the three countries would promote exchanges among universities through credits recognition, double degree as well as other programs. Meanwhile, these three countries will assure quality of exchange program through enhancing cooperation among educational quality assurance agencies. In this sense, the guidelines are elaborated, based on the discussion in the Japan-China-Korea’ Committee for Promoting Exchange and Cooperation among Universities (hereinafter referred as the “Committee”)

1. Introduction

1. Objective

    The guidelines aim to encourage exchanges and cooperation among universities in China, Japan and Korea with quality assurance and jointly improve international competitiveness of universities. The purposes of guidelines are to establish an effective operational mechanism for university exchange and quality assurance, to protect students and other stakeholders as well as to urge relevant stakeholders to fulfill the responsibilities and promote collaboration, thereby contributing to comprehensive educational cooperation and a good-neighborly partnership of mutual trust oriented among people in these three countries.

2. Connotation

    Exchanges and cooperation among universities as mentioned in these guidelines could be carried out through “CAMPUS Asia” with the consent of the three countries. The framework and detailed programs would be stated in other documents. In addition, the proposed guidelines do not force any particular educational and exchange activities, as these activities should be conducted autonomously by themselves.

3. Principle

    Considering each others’ characteristics and legal system, exchanges and cooperation among universities and quality assurance activities must adhere to the principles of openness, universality, progressiveness, flexibility and demonstrativeness. Enough respect for mutual benefit should be given in jointly exploring a common framework based on the principle of seeking common ground and leaving aside differences in system, customs, and cultures and so on.

4. Scope

    The guidelines are applicable for governments, universities, quality assurance agencies and other stakeholders including the industry to implement. It is expected that all involved bodies work together to conduct exchange programs among universities and guarantee the quality of credits and degrees conferred.

2. Guidelines for Higher Education Stakeholders

1. Guidelines for governments

1) Establishment of a comprehensive, coherent and transparent quality assurance framework
     It is imperative that the governments should clarify what higher education system entails in terms of school types, academic level, diploma issued and the connection with other education systems including middle education systems, vocational education systems, and other non-formal education systems, in accordance with their laws and regulations. In addition, the governments should publicize the national prerequisite for students to be admitted into universities, detailed requirements for them to obtain degree and quality assurance standard in higher education (qualification framework) as well as prepare the information package in higher education.

2) Encouragement for relevant universities to participate in the exchange program
    The governments, in its assured authority and policy, should encourage and support universities with quality assurance in conducting exchange programs through various resources and means. The governments should also take the initiative in supporting the Pilot Program through financial and other means, and especially at the stage of launching.

3) Support for the quality assurance agency to conduct activities
    The government should encourage quality assurance agencies to exert positive effects on quality improvement and support relevant activities conducted independently by the Japan-China-Korea Quality Assurance Council (hereinafter referred to as the “Council”) through financial and other means.

2. Guidelines for relevant universities

1) Establishment of internal quality assurance system
    Relevant universities should establish an effective internal quality assurance system to ensure the quality of exchange program. Here the meaning of “internal quality assurance” varies according to the education system and academic practice, but the following could be assumed to be applicable for all relevant universities of three countries to implement. a) publish basic information of school education and teaching and provide detailed information of exchange program; b) construct systematic curriculum and pay due consideration for maintaining the standards and consistency for writing syllabus and grade evaluation; c) confirm, under the comprehensive teaching system and appropriate administration, that the process of conferring credits, giving academic grade, and processing credits transfer is in accordance with the laws and regulations in the country.

2) Effective implementation of exchange program
    Universities participating in the exchange program should formulate operational regulations and emergency preplan. These universities should also make an agreement about important items and the detail in the exchange program, which is available to the public and then take periodical follow-up. While paying attention to quality assurance, it is also necessary for universities to probe into the establishment of credit transfer system, which would  lay a foundation for establishing credit transfer and accumulation system in China, Japan and Korea and even in Southeast Asia. It is also important for universities to offer educational support in collaboration with a partner university through learning agreement, under which both universities and students confirm whether learning outcomes (including credits and diploma and so on) can be certified or not so that they can further their study after returning to the country.

3) Good student services
    All relevant universities should adhere to student-centered principle and assure students' benefits and interests. It is important to provide students including program applicants with adequate and correct information resources for decision-making of their academic career. Implementation procedure and requirements of exchange program should be maintained clear, transparent and readable, and it is recommended for universities to offer “one-stop service” as much as possible, through which international students can use various services such as information service, application service and other consultation, so that they can concentrate on preparing their academic career. Upon implementation of the program, necessary language training and continuous support, guidance and opportunities of “cultural exchanges” are recommended to be provided for exchange students. And in order to provide better service, it is also recommended to maintain communication with international students through counselors, teaching assistant, volunteers and all available forces of the school.

3. Guidelines for quality assurance agencies

1) Maintaining Clarification and Visibility of Procedure
    It is important to understand that the role of quality assurance agencies is different in the three countries, even though these three countries have similar system of university evaluation. In this sense, the quality assurance agencies should pay attention to the diversity and variety of quality assurance mechanism in each country, while making efforts in exchanging and sharing information in the three countries through information platform in the Committee.

2) Seeking for common standards and joint evaluation
    While strengthening quality assurance of exchange program, the quality assurance agencies in these three countries should pay attention to common practices and features such as index system and evaluation measures. These agencies should find out certain common index framework in exchange program among universities in the three countries and jointly conduct university evaluation.

3) Capacity building for the staff
    Capacity building for the staff in charge of evaluation activities plays a very important role in improving university evaluation. From the perspective of international exchange program, it is necessary for the relevant staff to have adequate knowledge and experience in the cross-border nature of exchange program. It is recommended to conduct staff exchange and capacity building through the Committee so that the outcomes will be shared in exchange and cooperation among universities for capacity building.

4. Guidelines for other stakeholders

    It aims to cultivate international talents with communication and working abilities through exchange program, who are the potentials for the economic development in the East Asia, thereby having far-reaching significance in terms of economic development and prosperity of China, Japan, and Korea as well as the whole East Asia. Therefore, it is expected that other stakeholders including industry can offer necessary support for university exchange program in the three countries, such as developing joint courses, providing internship conditions, conducting joint research, and so on.

3. Supplementary articles

1. Validity of the guidelines

    These guidelines were approved, based on the discussion at the second meeting for the Committee held in Beijing, December 10th, 2010. The texts were written in four languages namely Chinese, Japanese, Korean and English. In the event of any divergence of interpretation between any of the texts, the English text shall prevail.  The terms of the guidelines may be altered with the consent of the Committee. All relevant bodies have access to these guidelines for reference in conducting exchange and cooperation. It should be noted that each higher education system has its own characteristics, and the proposed guidelines never intend to force any change of the rules and regulations of the countries.

2. Dissemination of the guidelines

    It is important that the governments should make efforts in disseminating the guidelines and “Campus Asia” framework as non-binding but significant material for the society both domestically and internationally. Through such process, it is also recommended that the governments should publish good practices implemented in the universities and quality assurance agencies, including the Pilot Program.
















3) 質保証機関の活動実施に対する支援




















-- 登録:平成23年03月 --