This is a collection of systems and programs (incl. arrangements) available to all international students in Japan. Please contact the information below if you have any trouble. |
Special Cash Payments
For those who are registered with Basic Resident Registration System as of April 27, 2020, special cash payments of 100,000 yen per person will be available.
-Home page of Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications for Special Cash Payments
-Multilingual information(English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Filipino, Portuguese Spanish, Indonesian Thai, Nepalese )
-Special Cash Payments Call Center
Reduction or exemption of social security contribution
Those who have lost income may have their National Health Insurance premiums reduced or receive exemption from payments.
-For more details, you should contact the National Health section of your municipal office.
Deferment of utility charges
The national government is asking companies to be patient and wait for delayed payments for everyday services such as electricity, gas, phone, water and NHK bills.
-For more details, you should contact your contracted companies.
-Power companies which deferment their charge.
-Gas companies which deferment their charge.
Flexibility for residents of public housing, etc.
The national government is asking landlords to be patient and wait for delayed payments of rents so that residents can remain in their homes.
-For more details, you should contact the Public housing section of your municipal office.
Temporary special handout for households raising children
Households receiving the child allowance handout will receive support in the form of an additional handout.
-Home page of Cabinet office
-Call Center
The support fund and allowance for the leave forced to be taken under the COVID-19 outbreak
-Eligible person
80% of the wage before taking the leave (maximum daily amount 11 ,000 yen) will be paid according to the record of the leave forced to be taken. (limited to the leave taken between April 1, 2020 and September 30, 2020.) However the following two main conditions and others are required.
① Employees of small and medium sized companies who were/are on leave during
the period mentioned above due to the instruction of the employer.
② Those who have not being paid their wages (or leave allowance) for the leave
※There are more conditions other than the two mentioned above. For the details, please check the Q&A
of the allowance posted on the website of Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
Employment adjustment subsidy
Employers of part-time employees who have been asked by their employers not to work due to the novel coronavirus must pay those employees a leave allowance.
-For more details, you should contact your place of employment
-If it is difficult to ask your employer, you get in touch with a nearby Labor Bureau, Labor Standards Supervision Office, and Public Employment Security office.
-Home page of Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish Tagalog, Vietnamese, Thai, Cambodian, Indonesian, Nepalese, Mongolian, Myanmar,)
-Home page of Labor Bureau, Labor Standards Supervision Office, and Public Employment Security office
Extended application periods for visas
Applications for changing and renewing visas (i.e. resident status) will be accepted until up to three months after the current visa expires. This applies to visas that expire anytime during March through July of this year.
Extended period for receiving visa review results
The normal deadline for Residence Card issuance and so on shall be extended by three months. This applies to those who have already applied for changing or renewing their visa and who are awaiting the results of their review.
-Home page of Immigration Services Agency of JAPAN
Support for those experiencing difficulty returning to their home country
Those who cannot return to their own country due to the novel coronavirus will receive support so that they can remain in Japan.
-Home page of Immigration Services Agency of JAPAN
Extended valid period for visa certificates of eligibility
A certificate of eligibility for a visa can be used for an additional six months.
-Home page of Immigration Services Agency of JAPAN
Receive your Foreigner Registration Card in your behalf
In cases where a foreign national who departed from Japan with re entry permission (including special re entry permission) submitted your Foreigner Registration Card before departing from Japan and is unable to re enter Japan due to the impact of the novel coronavirus disease, a family member in Japan or the staff, etc. of the accepting organization will be permitted to receive the residence card pertaining.
-Home page of Ministry of Justice and Immigration Services Agency of JAPAN
-For more details, you can call the following Regional Immigration Offices
Sapporo Regional Immigration Bureau: 011-261-7502
Sendai Regional Immigration Bureau: 022-256-6076
Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau: 0570-034259 / 03-5796-7234(IP・PHS・from overseas)
Yokohama District immigration Office: 045-769-1720
Nagoya Regional Immigration Bureau: 052-559-2150
Osaka Regional Immigration Bureau: 06-4703-2100
Kobe District immigration Office: 078-391-6377
Hiroshima Regional Immigration Bureau: 082-221-4411
Fukuoka Regional Immigration Bureau: 092-717-5420
Naha District Immigration Office: 098-832-4185
Immigration Information Center: 0570-013904