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Home > Policy > White Paper, Notice, Announcement > White Paper > WHITE PAPER ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY2003 > Part3 3.1 3.1.2

Part3 Measures Adopted for Promotion of Science and Technology
3.1 Development of Science and Technology Policies
3.1.2 The Council for Science and Technology Policy Activities of the Council for Science and Technology

  Since its establishment in January2001,the Council for Science and Technology Policy has generally met once a month with the participation of the Prime Minister as council chairman(a total of26sessions as of March2003).The major items discussed and ratified during FY2001 are as presented below. for the Allocation of the Science and Technology Budget,Personnel and Other Resources

  As shown in the"Second Science and Technology Basic Plan"(hereinafter referred to as the"Basic Plan"),the Council for Science and Technology Policy relies on the Basic Plan and the promotion strategies for each sector,etc.,examines the science and technology measures set forth for the next fiscal year and present opinions to the Prime Minister regarding those measures that it believes merit particular priority,and then clarifies its ideas regarding the next fiscal year's important measures and allocation of resources and presents the ideas to the relevant ministers.Furthermore,to ensure that the resource allocations settled upon in the CSTP are carried out,the council coordinates when necessary with the finance authorities during the budget formulation process. of Policies for the Allocation of the Science and Technology Budget,Personnel and Other Resources in FY2003(June19,2002)

  To realize the goal of becoming a nation of creative science and technology ranking at the highest levels in the world,and to firmly execute the Basic Plan,in FY2003 the CSTP,taking into consideration policy continuity,again endeavored to ensure that strategic priority was given to science and technology and to reform of science and technology systems so as to return still greater fruits of research and development to society.In the science and technology-related budget,along with promotion of basic research,priority was placed on the life sciences,information and communications,environment,and nanotechnology and materials sectors.The reform of science and technology systems shall include the reform and expansion of strategic research funds,the upgrading of university facilities,the promotion of industry-academia-government cooperation,the promotion of regional science and technology,and reform of the research and development evaluation system.

  The Japanese economy remains in a grave situation.It is in a slump due to the hollowing out of industry and is witnessing historically high levels of unemployment.In order to overcome these problems,strengthening industrial competitiveness and invigorating the economy are urgent issues,the most important key to which is science and technology.The CSTP placed particular emphasis in its FY2003 policy requests on strengthening industrial competitiveness and invigorating the economy. Prioritization in the Budget Formulation Process

  Preparing for the FY2003 budget formulation process,in order to help secure a science and technology-related budget that ensures priority allocation of research and development resources to truly important measures,the Council for Science and Technology Policy-primarily the State Minister for Science and Technology and the eminent members of the Council-prioritized(in4levels:S,A,B,and C)the principal items within the science and technology measures for which relevant ministries and agencies made budget requests(announced on October18,2002).The prioritization results were as follows:

S:90items(29%)-Particularly important re-search topics that require aggressive implementation

A:129items(41%)-Important research topics that require steady implementation

B:66items(21%)-Items for which problems must be solved and that need effective and efficient implementation

C:27items(9%)-Items requiring review of research details,plans,and promotion systems

  In addition,working to enhance the science and technology budget in order to realize the goal of becoming a nation of creative science and technology,the CSTP summarized in"Toward Formation of the FY2003 Science and Technology-Related Budget(opinion)"the areas that should receive special attention in the process of budget formulation and implementation of measures.The Council submitted its opinion to the Prime Minister and the relevant ministers(November11,2002).In view of the importance of science and technology,the science-and technology-related budget grew by1.3%over the previous year(in particular,expenses for the promotion of science and technology rose by3.9%),in contrast to the general expenditure average,which registered a year-on-year increase of only0.1%. Supplementary Budget for FY2002(Related to Science and Technology)

  Along with having a particularly great effect on stimulating private sector demand and creating employment,as well as immediately impacting the currently flagging economy,the science-and technology-related measures incorporated in the supplementary budget for FY2002 were aimed at issues that would lead to the strengthening of the industrial infrastructure through future development of science and technology.The science-and technology-related supplementary budget for all ministries and agencies came to323.8billion yen.In the course of creating the budget,the Council for Science and Technology Policy conducted a detailed survey of the budget requests of the relevant minis-tries and agencies. and Development Projects for Economic Stimulation

  The key to stimulating Japan's economy,and furthermore to realizing the goal of becoming a nation of creative science and technology,is to bring forth world-class technical innovation by assembling the intellectual capital,technical capabilities,and financial power of Japan's industries and universities in collaboration that extends beyond the bounds of ministries and agencies,and to tie such technical innovation into strengthening Industrial competitiveness.

  For this reason,Japan's structural reform through research and development must proceed.Therefore,economy-stimulating research and development projects that are"expected to result in practical applications within a relatively short period,"or that are"expected to contribute to the construction of next generation industrial infrastructures although requiring a relatively long period until the realization of practical applications,"were strategically launched side by side,focusing on the next five years or so.

  The total within the FY2002 supplementary budget and the FY2003 government budget for the newly launched economy-stimulating research and development projects came to132.7billion yen. Efforts of the Council for Science and Technology Policy in FY2002 of Promotion Measures in Priority Sectors

  Based on the priority setting laid down in the Basic Plan,in FY2001 the CSTP prepared the"Promotion Strategy for Prioritized Areas"for eight major area,which are life sciences,information and communications technology,the environmental sciences,nanotechnology and materials,energy,manufacturing technology,Infrastructure and Frontier-outer space and the oceans (Figure3-1-4) .Based on the promotion strategies for these areas,CSTP addressed the major items as follows(see section3.2.2):

(1) Promotion of Biotechnology(BT)Research and Development "Concerning the Promotion of BT Research and Development"(opinions presented on December25,2002)

  The CSTP established a BT research and development project team within the Special Research Committee on Promotion and Strategy for Priority Sectors.Aspiring to improve the lives of the public and strengthen industrial competitiveness through biotechnology,the team intensively investigated and examined the measures for promoting the science and technology that form the foundation of biotechnology,and then presented its opinions to the relevant ministers.The CSTP also reproduced these opinions in the"Guideline for Biotechnology Strategy,"which was com-piled by the Biotechnology Strategy Council in December2002.

Table3-1-4 Strategies for promotion of each of the four priority sectors (September21,2003)

(2) Promotion of Information and Communications Technology Research and Development

  The CSTP established an information and communications technology research and development promotion project team within the Special Research Committee on Promotion and Strategy for Priority Sectors.Aspiring to improve the lives of the public and strengthen industrial competitiveness through information and communications technology,the team intensively investigated and examined the measures for promoting the science and technology that form the foundation of information and communications technology.

(3) Research Strategy on Global Warming Prevention Technologies

  The CSTP established a global warming prevention technologies project team within the Special Research Committee on Promotion and Strategy for Priority Sectors.The team intensively investigated and examined the research strategies related to the greenhouse gas emissions reducing technologies that were specified in the"Guideline for Measures to Prevent Global Warming"(decision made by the Global Warming Prevention Headquarters on March19,2002).

(4) Promotion of Nanotechnology and Materials Research and Development

  The CSTP established a"nanotechnology and materials research promotion project team"within the Special Research Committee on Promotion and Strategy for Priority Sectors.The team intensively investigated and examined the concrete measures related to the preparation of environments suitable for nanotechnology and materials research,development,and industrialization. Evaluations

(1) "Evaluation of Newly Proposed Large-scale Research and Development"(opinions presented on December25,2002)

  The CSTP conducted evaluations of three newly proposed large-scale research and development projects(regenerative medicine project,sequential-zenith satellite system,and functional genomic research on rice)that were scheduled to be newly implemented in FY2003.

(2) "Evaluation of Research and Development over1Billion Yen in Total Budget"(decision on November11,2002)

  The CSTP conducted evaluations of164research projects over one billion yen that had been evaluated by ministries and agencies from September2001to August2002.

(3) "Opinions on the International Thermo-nuclear Experimental Reactor(ITER)Project"(May29,2002)

  CSTP presented its opinion that,considering its national importance,it is appropriate for the entire government to promite the ITER project and,with the view of hosting it,to select the most suitable domestic candidate site and to proceed with the intergovernmental ITER negotiations.In accordance with this opinion,the Cabinet agreed to"present Rokkashomura,Kamikita county,Aomori Prefecture as Japan's candidate site at the negotiations"(May30,2002).(See Section3.2.2.5Energy Sector(1)Research,Development,and Utilization of Nuclear Energy) of Science and Technology Systems

(1) Reform of the Competitive Funding System "Interim Summary:Concerning Reform of the Competitive Research Funding System"(opinions presented on June19,2002)

  Competitive funding will be doubled under the Second Science and Technology Basic Plan.In addition,the use of funds and the system surrounding them must be reformed.For this reason,a competitive funding system reform project was established within the Special Research Committee on Science and Technology System Reform.The program examines the competitive funding,establishes fair and transparent evaluation systems and program officers for that purpose,expands funding for young researchers,makes recommendations for the expansion of overhead expenses,presents its opinions to the relevant ministers,and continues to ex-amine further reforms.(See Section3.3.1)

(2) Promotion of Collaboration among Industry,Academia,and Government "Basic Ideas on and Promotion Measures for Collaboration among Industry,Academia,and Government"(opinions presented on June19,2002)

  The CSTP established an industry-academia-government collaboration project team within the Special Research Committee on Science and Technology System Reform.The team investigates and examines the concrete measures that include system reform and deregulation related to the promotion of collaboration between industry,academia,and government,and presents its opinions to the relevant ministers.(See Section3.3.2)

(3) Creation and Development of Research and Development-Based Venture Companies

  The CSTP established a research and development-based venture company project team within the Special Research Committee on Science and Technology System Reform.The team investigates and examines the concrete measures intended to effectively promote the production of practical applications from and establishment of operations based on the fruits of research and development conducted at business enterprises,universities,and government research agencies.

(4) Management of Intellectual Properties "Concerning the Management of Intellectual Properties"(opinions presented on December25,2002)

  The CSTP investigates comprehensive strategies for the protection and utilization of intellectual properties in order to strengthen industrial competitiveness through expanded investment in research and development conducted throughout Japan.The Council then presents its opinions to the relevant ministers.In addition,the Council submitted a report that it compiled in June entitled"Concerning the Management of Intellectual Properties(interim summary)"to the Committee for Management of Intellectual Properties.It reproduced the contents of that report in"Guideline for Management of Intellectual Properties."(See Section3.3.6.4Enhancing the Intellectual Property Rights System and Actively Responding to Standardization) Response to Bioethics

  Based on Article2of the Supplementary Provisions of the"Law Concerning Regulation Relating to Human Cloning Technologies and Other Similar Technologies,"the CSTP shall,within the Special Research Committee on Bioethics,proceed with its investigation and examination of the means of handling fertilized human embryos as the germ of human life. (See Section3.2.2.1.Life Science Sector(2)Efforts for Bioethics and Biosafety) Promotion of Space Development and Utilization "Space Development and Utilization Policy"(opinions presented on June19,2002)

  In order to strengthen global competitiveness of Japan's space industry and improve the nation's quality of life through utilization of space,the CSTP investigated and discussed Japan's space development and utilization policy for the next ten years,then presented above the policy reports as opinions to the ministers concerned. (See Section3.2.2.8.Frontier Sector(1)Space Development and Utilization) Investigating the Status of the Science Council of Japan "Concerning the Status of the Science Council of Japan"(opinions presented on March26,2003)

  Based on Item9,Article17of the Basic Law for the Reform of Central Government Ministriesand Agencies,the CSTP investigates and examines the status of the Science Council of Japan and presents its opinions to the relevant ministers.(See Section3.3.1.2.Promotion and Reform of R&D at Japan's Main Research Institutes) "Special Intellectual Zones"

  In May2002,Prime Minister Koizumi directed the Council for Science and Technology Policy to investigate the creation of"special intellectual zones."The Council proceeded with its investingation after listening to the requests of local public bodies.In July it compiled its ideas on"special intellectual zones"as a means of breaking through the barriers of rigid rule thought associated with many universities,hospitals,and research agencies,etc.

  The CSTP's discussion led the deregulation of the Law of Special Measures for the Promotion of Local Public Finance Redevelopment in November2002and made it possible for local government bodies to donate national universities or national research agencies. Special Coordinating Funds for Promoting Science and Technology

  Following the Council for Science and Technology Policy's thorough review of Japan's measures for science and technology as a whole,Special Coordinating Funds for Promoting Science and Technology are utilized for measures that have a high capacity as policy catalysts,such as those that set precedents for other ministries or that are intended for borderline or integrated projects that any one ministry or agency cannot handle alone,with particular emphasis placed on measures that contribute to the reform of science and technology systems.The policy for the allocation of funds is drawn up by the CSTP,while the actual allocation work,such as screening and evaluating research topics,is conducted by the Ministry of Education,Culture,Sports,Science and Technology. Monthly Science and Techno-logy Report

  The"Monthly Science and Technology Report"is prepared to report to the Prime Minister the latest news on science and technology,to contribute the implementation of dynamic and proper science and technology policies.Specifically,this monthly report offers timely and accurate reports on the latest research topics attracting world-wide attention,and on the trends in science and technology policy in major countries.

(C)COPYRIGHT Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

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