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Home > Policy > White Paper, Notice, Announcement > White Paper > Japanese Government Policies in Education, Science, Sports and Culture1999 > Foreword


Ensuring that children,who will be responsible for the future,are able to grow up with robust health in a heart-enriching environment serves as the basis for laying the foundations for the21 st

century.Furthermore,in order to develop Japan as a vibrant nation and work toward the ob-jective of establishing Japan as a nation based on creativity of science and technology and a nation founded on culture,it is indispensable to perpetually work to advance reform in education,which forms the cor-nerstone of all social systems.We find ourselves with problems such as bullying,non-attendance at school and juvenile delinquency against the backdrop of diminishing educational support at home and in the local community as a result of the dwindling birth rate,the growing number-of nuclear families and the advancement of urbanization,Moreover,increased competition in examinations has resulted in school education being reduced to a form in which academic knowledge is one-sidedly instilled in students,thus leading to the neglect of education and activities that cultivate thinking faculties,creativity,and an enriched humanity.To re-spond to this situation,the Ministry of Education,Science,Sports and Culture(MESSC)has formulat-ed the Program for Educational Reform,and has been clearly outlining the issues and schedule as we work to actively address educational reform.In order to introduce our educational policies to the general public,MESSC annually publishes Ja-panese Government Policies in Education,Science,Sports and Culture.The1999edition has a special section focusing on the theme of"Educational Reform".In order to further gain the understanding not only of schools,but also of households,local communities and cor-porations,the edition has also been designed in various ways,such as a Q&A format,to introduce the educational reform that has taken place since the inauguration of the National Council on Educational Reform.I hope that this report will enhance your understanding of the Government's current policies concern-ing education,science,sports and culture.     Hirofumi Nakasone  Minister of Education,Science,Sports and Culture


(C)COPYRIGHT Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

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