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Home > Policy > White Paper, Notice, Announcement > White Paper > JAPANESE GOVERNMENT POLICES IN EDUCATION, SCIENCE, SPORTS AND CULTURE 1997 > Scientific Research Chapter 3 Section 2 3

Scientific Research: Opening the Door to the Future
Chapter 3 New Trends in the Promotion of Science
Section 2: New Approaches to University-Industry Cooperation and Collaboration
3. Consultative Committee Deliberations

MESSC is endeavoring to promote research cooperation between universities and industry. In February 1996 it established the Consultative Committee for Research and Surveys Regarding University-Industry Cooperation and Collaboration to discuss approaches to this task. In December 1996 the committee produced an interim report, and in March 1997 it submitted a report titled "Building New Mechanisms for University-Industry Cooperation" to MESSC.

The basic thinking behind the report was that: First, there is growing pressure for university research organizations to cooperate and collaborate with industry, and such cooperation, when undertaken in awareness of the social roles and responsibilities of both sides, will benefit both industry and universities, as well as society as a whole; second, university-industry cooperation and collaboration should be promoted by creating systems to facilitate participation by interested researchers, rather than attempting to involve all teaching personnel; and third, cooperation will need to be administered under highly transparent systems that include the establishment of clear standards and the disclosure of information.

The report also highlights a number of basic directions for reform and goals for university industry cooperation and collaboration. First, efforts should be made to reform attitudes on both sides and to promote dialogue between industry and universities. Second, systemic improvements must be made to facilitate cooperative research in private sector companies. Third, local bases for interaction should be established. Fourth, efforts should be made to promote the transfer of technology in various formats from universities to industry.

MESSC has been Implementing the suggested systemic changes since December 1996.

(C)COPYRIGHT Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

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