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Home > Policy > White Paper, Notice, Announcement > White Paper > JAPANESE GOVERMENT POLICICIES IN EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND CULTURE 1994 > PART II Chapter 4 Section 1 3

PART II Recent Trends and Developments in Government Policies in Education, Science and Culture
Chapter 4. Toward Diversified Development of Higher Education
Section 1. Ongoing Reform of Higher Education
3. Revitalization of Organization and Management

Universities and other institutions of higher education are currently working to improve and expand their educational and research activities. Revitalization of organization and management is a crucial part of this process. The Subcommittee for Organization and Management of the University Council deliberated on measures to facilitate the organization and management in universities. In May 1993 the subcommittee produced a summary of its discussions concerning the employment of teaching staff. On the basis of these findings the University Council submitted a report titled "Improvement of Teaching Staff Employment Procedures" in June 1994. Following are the major recommendations of this report.

1. Universities should actively employ people with diverse backgrounds and experience, including people graduated from or with experience in other universities, as well as nonacademics and women.
2. Universities should make greater use of the system of open recruitment.
3. When determining selection criteria for teaching staff, it is necessary to take into account the philosophies and objectives of individual universities and faculties. In future it will also be increasingly important to evaluate educational abilities actively and to appraise research abilities with the emphasis on quality.
4. Steps should be taken to ensure that the methods used to select teaching staff are open, including the formation of faculty-wide or university-wide selection organizations consisting of teaching staff in related fields and efforts to obtain outside appraisals and recommendations.
5. Efforts should be made to improve the quality of teaching staff at both the graduate-student and faculty levels. In particular, organized efforts are needed to improve educational content and teaching methods.
6. Teaching staff from abroad should be employed more actively. The subcommittee also compiled a summary of its discussions titled "Facilitation of University Management." Following are the major recommendations of this report, which was presented at a general meeting of the University Council.
1. University presidents should exercise greater leadership in promoting university reform and coping positively with social change. Innovation is needed in such areas as the selection and terms of office of university presidents, the level of assistance provided, and budgetary allocations in order to facilitate the exercise of leadership by university presidents.
2. National universities and local public universities need to develop new ways of managing their senates. It is also necessary to select agenda items for deliberation with care and to clarify and simplify procedures. Private universities should develop organizations to coordinate university-wide teaching and to centralize and integrate decisions.
3. It is necessary to modify faculty dean appointment methods and terms of office and establish support systems according to the circumstances in individual faculties to enable faculty deans to exercise greater leadership.
4. Faculty meetings need to select agenda items for deliberation with care and to establish systems appropriate to those items. It is also necessary to modify decision-making methods, including clarification of the decision-making process, through the introduction of voting or other methods.
5. Administrative organizations need to be constantly reviewed and improved.
6. Priorities from the perspective of open management include the active dissemination of university information, local and global contributions, and efforts to reflect the views of students in university management.
7. Coordination and communication between school corporation management, such as boards of regents, and educational organizations is vital. The University Council is also studying approaches to university education and conducting follow-up studies concerning university reform. Other aspects that are being considered by the council include the development of diversified graduate schools and more flexible graduate school systems and the improvement of university entrance examinations.

(C)COPYRIGHT Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

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