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Home > Policy > White Paper, Notice, Announcement > White Paper > EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS IN JAPAN 1975 > CHAPTER3 5 (1)

5 Training and In-SerJice Training of Teachers
(1) Teacher Training System

Under the teacher training system of Japan, those who have earned for graduation the credits prescribed in the Educational Personnel Certification Law in the univemities with the courses certified by the Minister of Education as pertinent for issuance of teaching certificates, are granted the teaching certificates. Under this system, mcst elementary and lower secondary school teachefs and various special education school teachers, particularly the teachers of elementary and special education schools, are trained in national teaeher training colleges or teacher training faculjies (of genera! uxuiversities), which have been estab1ished in all prefectures. Unlike the case of elementary schooll teachers, however more than half of those with lower secondary school teacher's certificates are the graduatesc of universities with the certified courses (to be called "general universities " hereafter) rather than national teacher training colieges or teacher training faculties (of universities). The greater number of upper secondary school teachers are graduates of these general universities. Yet, the teachers in charge of music and other specified subject areas who can not be trained in sufficient number in general universities, are trained in national teacher training colleges and teacher training faculties (of universities).

Whi1e special measures have been taken to raise teacher salaries, as noted before, as a means of inducing capable personnel into the educational profession, various other favorable steps have also been taken at the stage of teacher training, such as dispatch overseas of students enrolled in teacher training courses, the system of general education scholarship loans and special education scholarship loans and so on.

An outline of the teacher training system in selected countries is shown in Table 3-10. In every country except the U.S.S.R., training of elementary school teachers is undertaken in the institutions of higher education. Elementary school teachers are trained in specialized training institutions and courses in every country. Training of secondary school teaclters is undertaken in two types of institutions of higher education in every country in either specialized training institutions, or in general universities. The schooling period at these teacher training institutions is set at three to five years.

The system of granting teaching certificates differs among the selected countries. In the United States. those who have earned the specified credits for the teaching profession, are qualified as teachers, while in England and Wales those who have finished the specified teacher training courses become entitled to teaching certificates. In the Federal Republic of Gernnanyancy and France, those who have passed the national examination become qualified as teachers.

Table 3-l0. Teac1ier Training System-InternationalComparison-

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