
 In the past 3 years, COVID-19 has significantly impacted educational activities in schools. However, the daily routine is now returning to normal in all aspects of society, including home and school.
We faced various difficulties in terms of social and economic activities during this period. However, we successfully adapted to the evolving society of the new era by changing our lifestyles and approach to learning while accelerating digitalization.
The role of the MEXT administration is extremely important in this era to nurture “creators of a sustainable society” who will create their society in the face of an unpredictable future and make people’s lives happier and richer by bringing out human wisdom and creativity to the maximum extent. We will continue to listen attentively to feedback from the people and boldly address the challenges faced.
 MEXT White Paper for FY 2022 covered 2 themes as special features.
 Special Feature 1, titled “Approach to Development, Recruitment, and Training of Teachers Who will be Responsible for "Japanese-Style School Education in the Reiwa Era “The Ideal State of Teaching Courses, Recruitment, and Training of Teaching Staff Responsible for the ‘Japanese-Style School Education in the Reiwa Era (Recommendation)’” was compiled by the Central Council of Education in December 2022. This recommendation introduces various initiatives to develop the qualities and competencies required of teachers responsible for “Japanese-Style School Education in the Reiwa Era”, formation of a high-quality group of teaching staff with diverse expertise, dissolution of the teacher license renewal system and upgrading of teacher training, upgrading and strengthening the functions of teacher training colleges/faculties and graduate schools of teacher education, and development of a supportive environment for teachers.
 Special Feature 2, titled “Development of Human Resources to Drive the Future ~ Acceleration of Reorganization of Universities and KOSEN and Promotion of Recurrent Education”, introduces MEXT’s initiatives to reorganize of universities and KOSEN that drive the growth fields and promote recurrent education, which has also been indicated in the first proposal by the Council for the Creation of Future Education compiled in May 2022.
 The understanding and cooperation of the people are indispensable for promoting the MEXT administration. We hope this White Paper reaches as many people as possible, is extensively used, and helps to deepen their understanding.


Education Policy Bureau Policy Division

(Education Policy Bureau Policy Division)